Criteria For Evaluation Areas Resort In Ukraine

  • С. В. Леонова Центр ведення Державного кадастру природних лікувальних ресурсів ДУ «Український НДІ медичної реабілітації та курортології МОЗ України»
Keywords: natural area resorts, evaluation criteria, the natural healing resources


Given the methodological approaches to the assessment of natural systems were developed the evaluation criteria presented Areas resorts in Ukraine according to the analysis of the number of factors, chief among which are: the natural curative and recreational resources, health and recreational infrastructure, environmental condition of the territory and the ability to save it. Elaboration of criteria will allow experts to sanatoriums to differentiate natural areas of resorts or local government to determine whether the status of natural areas where these institutions are located.


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How to Cite
Леонова, С. В. (2014). Criteria For Evaluation Areas Resort In Ukraine. Man and Environment. Issues of Neoecology, (1-2), 85-91. Retrieved from
Modern Geographic and Ecological Environment Research