Contamination of atmospheric air of cities of coastal zone cities North Western Black Sea region by specific contaminаnts
The areas of the Northwest Black Sea region are an area of unique recreational resources and tourism, sanatorium treatment and recreation, maritime transport and shipbuilding, grain and grape cultivation. This territory includes Odessa, Mykolaiv and Kherson regions. The area is the largest in Ukraine. It occupies the southern seaside (Black Sea and Azov) territory of the country. His industrial production is concentrated mainly in port cities. Purpose.. Analysis of the level of pollution of the airspace of the cities of the coastal zone of the Northwest Black Sea coast by specific specific impurities. Methods. Statistical and comparative analysis. Results. The level of atmospheric air pollution in the cities of the coastal zone of the North-Western Black Sea region: dust, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, phenol and hydrogen fluoride have been analyzed. Assessment of the level of pollution on the basis of the calculation of the air pollution index and the indicator of the maximum permissible pollution. A correlation analysis was used to assess the effect of carbon monoxide on formaldehyde content. In most cases, the relationship between the content of carbon monoxide and formaldehyde in the atmospheric air of Odessa is characterized as "average" (rxy = 0.4 - 0.6 - medium average , rxy = 0.6 - 0.8 - the connection is tight and high). It should also be noted that there are negative rxy values indicating the feedback and, consequently, the presence of additional sources of formaldehyde. Conclusions. The highest level of atmospheric air pollution is observed in all cities by the content of formaldehyde, the highest level of pollution for all impurities is observed in Odessa.
Електронний ресурс: URL: (дата звернення: 10.11.2015).
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