The Significance Of Hydrochemical Condition Of Pechenezske Storage Reservoir For The General Ecosystem Balance

  • О. М. Гоголь
Keywords: Pechenezske reservoir hydrochemical indicators, oxygen regime, pesticides, parasitological studies, ecosystem


Based on decades of research hydrochemical indicators PECHENEZSKE reservoir found that oxygen conditions in general satisfactory, halogen concentrations of pesticides and triazine herbicides in the water below the maximum allowable concentrations. Today, the limit values of Pechenezske water-reservoir observed for copper and chromium. Pechenezske reservoir unfavorable to ligulidoz invasion since 1991. On parasitological parameters revealed the highest concentration of sick fish in the Gulf of Kulakowski and Artem and pridambovom site. Dangerous to human agents, namely chemicals, radioactive isotopes over MDS were found. Identified possible sources that significantly affect the balance of the ecosystem Pechenigy reservoir, including water, and recommended ways to deal with issues, improve the ecosystem of the reservoir.


How to Cite
Гоголь, О. М. (2014). The Significance Of Hydrochemical Condition Of Pechenezske Storage Reservoir For The General Ecosystem Balance. Man and Environment. Issues of Neoecology, (3-4), 62-68. Retrieved from
Modern Geographic and Ecological Environment Research

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