Waste Management Problems in the Carpathian Region
Purpose. The article discusses the prospects for solving the problem of waste. The problem of generation, accumulation and waste management in the Carpathian region is being investigated. The problem of waste disposal is becoming increasingly important. Methods. Information analysis, an integrated approach, methods of comparative analysis and synthesis were used. Results. The state of waste problem in the Carpathian region is analyzed. Transcarpathian, Chernivets, Lviv and Ivano-Frankivsk regions were studied. Detailed attention is paid to the ways for waste management improvement. A detailed analysis of the waste composition in each region of the Carpathian region was carried out. The dynamics of statistical data on waste generation and utilization is presented. The main industries in the Carpathian region that pollute the environment are identified. The main enterprises as sources of waste generation are defined. Most waste is not recycled and goes to landfills. There is a low level of waste disposal. It has been established that the majority of operating landfills, waste disposal sites have already exhausted or practically exhausted their capacities. The problem of waste accumulation at landfills is described. The inefficiency of modern waste management mechanisms is shown. Emphasis is placed on the need to improve the environmental awareness of the population. Results. Low waste disposal is associated with economic inefficiency. The main reason for the increase in waste volumes is indicated. Conclusions. The main directions for solution the problem of waste disposal are indicated. The necessity of recycling waste is shown.
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