Video Environmental Assessment of the Administrative Regions Within Urbgeosystem Territories
Purpose. Assess the visual environment of the Novobavarskiy district within Kharkiv urban ecosystem. Methods. Field-based visual observation, photophixation and video recording, statistical. Results. We used a five-point scale to assess the "attractiveness" of territories and objects regarding the psycho-physiological state of a person to determine the quality of the visual environment of Novobavarskiy district, Kharkiv. As a result of video-environmental studies, it was discovered that there are homogeneous and aggressive fields in the visual environment on the territory of Kharkiv. In most cases the aesthetics of the district architecture has a neutral character, bacause a significant number of buildings does not have a variety of visual elements, so as homogeneous and aggressive areas can be found in great variety. It is determined that in the district there are 36% of comfortable visual fields, 13% are homogeneous and 51% are aggressive visual fields. Recently, there has been positive dynamics in the formation of a comfortable visual environment of the district's housing stock. When building new houses and renovating old buildings, different colours for facades are used. The interior is filled with attractive children's playgrounds and green spaces which transforms the aggressive and homogeneous fields of the visual environment into a comfortable one. Conclusions. The situation shows that it is necessary to create a comfortable visual environment that is not represented sufficiently in this district. In this case, there is a real threat to the physiological functions of the brain regarding the perception of information about the visual environment. And in the future it is also necessary to solve these problems using technologies that have been tested and implemented successfully in European countries.
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