Anti-Erosion Optimization of Agricultural Equipment: Local Level

  • V. P. Kolyada National scientific center «Institute for soil science and agrochemistry research named after O.N. Sokolovsky»;
  • M. V. Shevchenko V.V. Dokuchaev Kharkiv National Agrarian University
  • O. V. Kruhlov National Scientific Center «Institute for soil science and agrochemistry research named after A.N. Sokolovsky»
  • A. O. Achasova National Scientific Center «Institute for soil science and agrochemistry research named after A.N. Sokolovsky»
  • P. G. Nazarok National Scientific Center «Institute for soil science and agrochemistry research named after A.N. Sokolovsky»
  • O. O. Hrebenchuk V. V. Dokuchaev Kharkiv National Agrarian University
Keywords: land management, water erosion, soil protection optimization, mathematical modeling


Soil erosion is a major factor in their economic and environmental degradation. Protection of land from erosion is characterized by insufficient methodological support at the local territorial level. Purpose. To reveal the advantages and disadvantages of the current state of anti-erosion design on the example of a particular agricultural enterprise. Methods. Cartographic, with application of geoinformation technologies, computational, statistical and mathematical. Results.  On the example of one of the private farms of the Kharkiv region, the draw backs of the existing structure of the crops area of  agricultural crops in the anti-erosion aspect are shown. It was optimized taking in to account the specialization of the economy. The soil was washed out in different scenarios of land use. The introduction of erosion-optimized crop rotation allows to reduce the forecast of soil fault in field crop rotation by 1.3 times. Conclusions. The structure of the crop area of agricultural crops, even meeting the formal requirements of normative acts, does not provide adequate protection against water erosion. It requires additional expertise using mathematical models of erosion. Minor deviations from the recommended standards of permissible flushing can be adjusted by means of agrotechnical measurеs, significant – additional organizational and agronomic measures.


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Author Biographies

V. P. Kolyada, National scientific center «Institute for soil science and agrochemistry research named after O.N. Sokolovsky»;

кандидат сільськогосподарських наук

M. V. Shevchenko, V.V. Dokuchaev Kharkiv National Agrarian University

доктор сільськогосподарських наук

O. V. Kruhlov, National Scientific Center «Institute for soil science and agrochemistry research named after A.N. Sokolovsky»

кандидат геологічних наук

A. O. Achasova, National Scientific Center «Institute for soil science and agrochemistry research named after A.N. Sokolovsky»

кандидат біологічних наук


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How to Cite
Kolyada, V. P., Shevchenko, M. V., Kruhlov, O. V., Achasova, A. O., Nazarok, P. G., & Hrebenchuk, O. O. (2018). Anti-Erosion Optimization of Agricultural Equipment: Local Level. Man and Environment. Issues of Neoecology, (1-2(29), 57-63.
Modern Geographic and Ecological Environment Research