Change of stock and quality of underground waters in the conditions of intensive exploitation of aquifers on the territory of Belgorod region
The most important problem of humanity is deteriorating state of water resources, which occurs as a result of the increasing human impact on the environment. The greatest danger in this case is the depletion and contamination of groundwaters, the main source of water supply in many regions of Russia, with small reserves of natural waters including Belgorod region. In this region 100% of drinking water is supplied from groundwater reserves. The article is focused on human impact on different aquifers, as well as on operational reserves, quality and groundwater regime. This study is important due to the geological environment changes caused by the broad-based development of iron ore deposits in the KMA and intensive water sampling for household needs. The article considers the possibility of rational use of water resources with the application of methods of artificial recharge reserves of the main aquifers, monitoring of groundwater and water - regulating complex activities of management.