In the north-western outskirts of Donbas, Upper Jurassic deposits consist mainly of various limestone of Oxfordian age. They have cropped out in the limestone quarries and gullies of the right bank of the river S. Donets. Outcrops of Kam’yanka village (Izyum district) and Protopopivka village (Balakleya district) of Kharkiv region are the most complete and informative. The lower (Callovian – Oxfordian) and the upper (Oxfordian – Kimmeridgian) boundaries of Oxfordian deposits can be traced in these outcrops.
Stratigraphical dismembering of Jurassic deposits is based upon cephalopods. Oxfordian deposits contain numerous remains of diverse fauna, including Bivalves mollusks, 103 species of which are defined and described monographically. Stratigraphic position of each pelecypod species is presented.
Close location of outcrops at Kam’yanka and Protopopivka villages gives the composite section of carbonate sediments of the Oxfordian deposits in the outskirts of Donbas. For the Upper Jurassic deposits, the location of the boundaries between different stratones remains unclear, differences relate to certain boundaries between substages and to the names and status of some stratones as well. The lifetime of the species of Pelecypoda is quite durable, so they are of little stratigraphic value.
A large number of different residues of bivalves, including ones in a good state of preservation, and the principle of faunal dissimilarity makes them convenient for morphofunctional, taphonomic, eco-ethological, dimensional, quantitative, paleobiogeochemical analysis, actualistic comparison and other types of analyzes, and therefore the physical reconstruction of geographical parameters of sea basins.
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