Mineral and raw material base of agronomical ore in Kharkiv region

  • М. Г. Рудий V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
Keywords: the Dnieper-Donets basin, deposits, tars, phosphorites, lignum fossil, decay ooze, fertilizers


The purpose of the article is to analyze the mineral and raw material base of agronomical ore (phosphate, lignum fossil and decay ooze) according to the results of the State Committee of Geology of Ukraine from the 1930s to 2010 in order to arouse interest of the Regional Council to continuing work and providing the region with phosphorous, nitrogen and potassic fertilizers.

Methods of research. After analyzing a number of works in Kharkiv region over the past 90 years by the State Committee of Geology (Kharkiv), the Ukrainian State Geological Surveyance Institute (Simferopol), the Ukrainian Academy of Agrarian Sciences (Kyiv), the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine (Dnipro) and O.N. Sokolovsky Institute for Soil Science and Agrochemistry Research (Kharkiv), in the article the condition of mineral and raw material base of agronomical ore (phosphate, lignum fossil and decay ooze) in Kharkiv region is considered and demands of agricultural producers for phosphorous, nitrogen and potassic fertilizers (about 300 thousand tons a year) are identified. The data of previous researches on stock and contents of the mentioned agronomical ore and treatment methods developed by the leading institutes of Ukraine (Ukrainian Geological Surveyance Institutes), and rational use in the national economy are provided in the article. The geological structure of prospective deposits and directions for further work in order to provide Kharkiv region with agronomical ore is considered.

Results. The author of the article reveals the data based on the results of the four-year researches carried out on the fields of Izium region. They prove efficiency of phosphorite powder from the ores of the Sinichino-Eremovsky and Malokamyshevaha deposits, where effectiveness of phosphorite powder was equal to superphosphate. After treating ores from the deposits, phosphorite powder meets specification requirements U6 14005076.053-99 of the first and second class. In agriculture, it is suitable as a mineral fertilizer for direct soil use.

The article deals with data of using the ore from the Malokamyshevaha deposit as a raw material for ferrophosphorus, which is currently imported. Researchers from the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine (Dnipro) developed a magnetic-flotation scheme of treating phosphorite with initial 5.0% of Р2О5 5.0% to increase Р2О5 up to 27.2% in order to use it to smelt iron for alloying.

Because of radionuclides, phosphorites of Izium region, unlike apatites of the Khibiny mountains and phosphorites of Africa, are ecologically clean and can be used in the national economy.

Hydrogeological conditions of developing the studied deposits are favorable for mining. Aquifers are beneath the bottom layer of phosphorites.

The article shows suitability of strip chalk as associated, meeting the composition requirements of A and B classes for construction lime.

Scientific novelty. The article in detail describes all genetic types of phosphorites (block, nodular in marl and sand) found when carrying out the research, the qualitative and quantitative composition and ways of use are studied. There is a detailed analysis of lignum fossil and decay ooze deposits in the article.

Practical points. The results of the research prove existence and wide distribution of deposits of phosphorites and decay ooze in Kharkiv region. Their further study may eliminate deficit in phosphorous, nitrogen and potassic fertilizers.


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Author Biography

М. Г. Рудий, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
Associate Professor


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How to Cite
Рудий, М. Г. (2018). Mineral and raw material base of agronomical ore in Kharkiv region. Visnyk of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Series "Geology. Geography. Ecology", (47), 56-63. Retrieved from https://periodicals.karazin.ua/geoeco/article/view/10329