Accounting and analytical support of budgeting with the purpose of achieving its flexibility and performing a control function in the process of financial forecasting

Keywords: accounting and analytical information, accounting system, management accounting, budgeting, planning, forecasting, income, expenses, managerial decision


In conditions of global instability, the attention of leaders and senior management is focused on forecasting and planning, which expands the horizons of vision of possible prospects and risks. Budgeting is an element of forecasting and requires the use of accounting and analytical information from the company's accounting system. The purpose of the article is to improve accounting and analytical support for budgeting in order to achieve its flexibility and perform a control function in the financial planning process. The object of research is budgeting procedures. The dialectical method of cognition in interaction with the system approach, methods of expert assessment and questionnaires was chosen as the methodological basis of the research, which ensured a combination of developments in the field of accounting, economic analysis, control and budgeting for the needs of management. The article presents the results of a survey of heads and managers of enterprises regarding the goals of budgeting; a survey of enterprise accountants was conducted to determine best practices for forecasting and control based on budgeting. Priority tasks of budgeting, difficulties encountered in the process of its preparation and implementation are determined. Based on the processing of statistical information, the article provides an analysis of the gross operating income, elements of income and expenses of Ukrainian enterprises. The importance of income and expense analysis for budgeting purposes was confirmed by further survey results of enterprise accountants. A key observation in this study is that the overall performance of an enterprise will improve if budgeting is used correctly. For this purpose, the relationship between long-term plans and budgeting is presented. Systematized factors that must be taken into account when forecasting the company's budget. Methodological approaches to the organization of the budgeting process at the enterprise are presented, which ensure coordination in the budgeting process, flexibility with a focus on expectations. Of practical importance to managers and accountants are several ideas on how to achieve better integration between the accounting system and budgeting to improve the overall efficiency of the enterprise.


Author Biography

Natalіa Іershova , National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Accounting and Finance


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How to Cite
Іershova N. (2024). Accounting and analytical support of budgeting with the purpose of achieving its flexibility and performing a control function in the process of financial forecasting. FINANCIAL AND CREDIT SYSTEMS: PROSPECTS FOR DEVELOPMENT, 4(15), 43-52.
Finance, accounting, audit and taxation