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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Requirements for publications of the Collection of scientific works «Financial and credit systems: prospects for development»

Before submitting to the journal, please read the Editorial Policy of the Collection , authors are also encouraged to read the "Guidelines for Authors and Translators of Scientific Articles to be Published in English" on the website of the European Association of Science Editors (EASE) , which guides our work.

Articles that meet the following requirements are accepted for publication:

  1. The article is written on a relevant topic, contains the results of an in-depth scientific study and substantiation of the scientific conclusions.
  2. The article should be written in Ukrainian or English, carefully proofread by the author, and correspond to the thematic focus of the collection of scientific papers. The Editorial Board of the Collection recommends submitting the article in English, as this will help to expand the interested audience of readers.
  3. The article must meet the following general requirements:
    • The article file should be prepared using the Word text editor. Do not use text styles in the file, do not number pages. Words should be printed without hyphens.
    • The length of the article should be 4,000 to 10,000 words (starting from the introduction to the conclusions, excluding tables/figures/mathematical formulas), typed in Times New Roman, 14-point font (font size), single-spaced, all margins 2 cm, paragraph indentation 1.25 cm.
    • The article should be clear, concise, and the number of tables, formulas, and illustrations (diagrams, figures, graphs, charts) should be minimal, and they should be used only if it significantly improves the content of the article, and allows for a fuller and deeper understanding of it compared to the textual form of presentation.
    • All non-text objects should be created using the built-in Word tools, formulas using the Equation editor, charts, graphs, Graph or Excel. All graphic material should be in black and white, with fillings made by hatching. When creating diagrams, graphs, and formulas, use the Times New Roman font, 14 point (font size).
    • Tables should be compact, logically organized, have a serial number, and a short, clear title that accurately describes the topic and content of the table.
    • All data in the table should be typed in Times New Roman, 12-point font. Tables should not exceed the page margins.
    • If there are illustrations, they must be submitted as separate files in the format in which they were made. If the illustrations are made in the Corel Draw program, the files must be submitted in *.cdr format. If the illustrations are scanned, they should be in *.tif format, etc.
    • Quotations, tables, illustrations, and all digital data should be provided with mandatory references to sources. Each table and figure must be cited (Source: ...). The font used for the source should be Times New Roman, 10 point (font size).

The article file must be accompanied by an AUTHOR (S) PROFILE, which, in addition to information about the author(s), contains information about the absence of a conflict of interest, research funding, contribution of each author, acknowledgments, and the author (s) consent to the terms of publication.

The scientific article should consist of the following sections (additional subsections are allowed):

UDC. Specify the UDC number of the article

  1. Author(s)

Indicate the author's surname and name, academic degree, academic title, position, place of work (the name of the organization and department is indicated through a comma in the nominative case and this name must be complete, without shortenings and abbreviations), address of the place of work (in the following sequence: street, house, city, zip code, country), e-mail, ORCID. Other co-authors are listed in the same structure.

For those who need transliteration from Ukrainian, you can use the websites or, which also provide the opportunity to make transliteration from other languages as well.

Only persons who participated in the research and writing of the article and agreed to take full responsibility for its content are included as authors. Funding of the research or participation in the payment of the article processing charge is not a basis for inclusion in the list of co-authors. When forming the composition of authors, you should pay attention to the principles of COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics). To convert academic degrees, academic titles, and positions used in some newly industrialized or developing countries to international standards, use the appropriate table.

  1. Title

The title of the article should reflect the main topic of the research and its content as much as possible. It should be as short and clear as possible (no more than 15 words). It is recommended that it could interest the reader, but must be written in a scientific style. It is allowed to indicate the object of the study or to specify it in the title through a colon or in brackets. It is not advisable to use abbreviations, and if this is done, then only in relation to those that are generally known in the world.

  1. Abstract

The abstract highlights the main points of the article (the abstract should be 250-300 words). It should be written according to the following algorithm: the relevance of the topic chosen by the author for research; the purpose and object of the research; the methodology (method) of the research (for theoretical research - its theoretical basis); the results obtained and their practical value are characterized. In this case, each provision should logically follow from the previous one.

  1. Keywords

The purpose of keywords is to give the reader an idea of the content of the article and to reflect the field of research. The required number of them is from 5 to 10 words or phrases. If the object of research is not mentioned in the title of the article, it should be added to the list of keywords. It is not necessary to repeat the words from the title of the manuscript.

The number of formulas, tables, figures and references is as follows: for Ukrainian (Formulas: 2; fig.: 3, tabl.: 1, bibl.: 12); for English (Formulas: 2; fig.: 3, tabl.: 1, bibl.: 12);

JEL Classification. You must provide at least one JEL code for your article.

Attention!!! Items 1-4 should be presented in Ukrainian and English. If there are no authors from Ukraine, they should be submitted in English only.

  1. Introduction

The Introduction of the article focuses on a certain problem, formulates the problem in general terms and justifies the relevance of the study. Follow the limitations on the length of the Introduction and avoid using tables and figures in this part of the article.

  1. Literature review

This section provides a detailed review of the scientific papers on the issue that forms the basis of this article. The literature review should be global in nature to ensure a wide range of sources and approaches to the subject matter. Particular attention is paid to the works that have a significant impact on the field of study, as well as those that present innovative approaches and results.

Please note that a brief summary of sources or a list of authors without a detailed analysis of the sources is not allowed.

We also note that the literature review should not be limited to sources from one country or region. At the same time, if the authors of the article limit themselves to certain territories in their review, it is necessary to properly justify this limitation and explain its expediency in the context of the study.

  1. Purpose, objectives and research methods

In this section, it is necessary to disclose the purpose and objectives of the study and describe the methods used. The purpose of the study is determined in order to achieve specific goals and solve the problem. The description of research methods includes a description of the tools, approaches, data collection and analysis used to conduct the research.

  1. Research results

This section presents the experimental or theoretical data obtained during the research. For clarity and better understanding of the results, it is advisable to use figures, tables, graphs, and diagrams in this section.

In this section, avoid repeating results that have already been published by the authors or other researchers. Instead, focus on the new results and their interpretation. Explanations and detailed analysis of the data obtained and their relevance to the research objective are included in the next section of the article.

  1. Discussion

This section of the article discusses the results and their interpretation. The authors analyze the information found, compare it with the results of previous studies, and discuss their relevance to the hypotheses and objectives of the study.

This section can use tables, graphs, charts, and other visual aids to better understand the results and compare them with other studies. Authors can also provide explanations, arguments, and conclusions, supporting them with data and scientific facts.

During the discussion, the authors can highlight ambiguities, discuss possible explanations for different results, identify potential limitations of the study, and suggest possible avenues for further research.

  1. Conclusions

This section describes the scientific novelty, theoretical and practical significance of the research, the socio-economic effect arising from the implementation of scientific results, and the prospects for further research in this area.

The conclusions should be logical and follow from the results obtained, and not be a simple list of facts or a repetition of information from other sections of the article.

  1. References

References are compiled in two versions: in accordance with the Ukrainian standard of bibliographic description and in accordance with the international bibliographic standard APA. The names of the sources in the bibliography should be arranged in alphabetical order. It is not advisable to refer to textbooks, manuals, or publicistic articles. If the reference contains a DOI, it must be indicated.  When compiling References in accordance with the international bibliographic standard APA, all sources must be provided (translated) in English, transliteration is not allowed.

Attention!!! If the authors do not include authors from Ukraine, it is sufficient to provide only References in accordance with the international bibliographic standard APA.



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