Anisotropic Cosmological Model with SQM in f(R, Lm) Gravity

Keywords: LRS Bianchi type I cosmological model, f(R,Lm) gravity, Strange quark matter, Cosmic time


A locally rotationally symmetric Bianchi-I model filled with strange quark matter (SQM) is explored in f(R, Lm) gravity as a non-linear functional of the form f(R, Lm)=R/2 +Lαm, where α is the free model parameter. We considered the special law of variation of Hubble’s parameter proposed by Berman (1983) and also used the power law relation between the scale factors to obtain the exact solution of the field equation, which matches the model of the universe. We also analyze the physical and geometrical aspects of the universe’s kinematic and dynamic behavior. Additionally, we employ equation-of-state (EoS) parameters and statefinder parameters as analytical tools to gain insights into the evolution of the universe. We use the ΛCDM model as a benchmark to validate the results. By placing the deviations of the universe from ΛCDM  model and yet making important contributions to the study of the anisotropic nature of f(R, Lm) gravity within the framework of cosmological dynamics, the paper increases our comprehension of our cosmic evolution.


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How to Cite
Bolke, P., Patil, V., Waghmare, S., & Mahajan, N. (2024). Anisotropic Cosmological Model with SQM in f(R, Lm) Gravity. East European Journal of Physics, (3), 45-55.