Негативні впливи на природне середовище хімічних засобів, що використовуються проти патогенів картоплі (англ.)

  • A. Bekhter Лодзський технологічний університет, факультет біотехнологій і харчових продуктів, Інститут хімії харчових продуктів https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6024-5278
  • K. Śmigielski Лодзський технологічний університет, факультет біотехнологій і харчових продуктів, Інститут хімії харчових продуктів https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4213-7852


Purpose. This study focused on the analysis of chemicals most often used against potato pathogens and their negative impact on both water and soil ecosystems, as well as the search for alternative solutions.  This aspect is extremely important since  the quality and quantity of the crop depend mainly on the appearance of diseases on the plantations and postharvest storage conditions. Most often, the fight against pathogens is carried out with the help of fungicides. They, in turn, have a negative impact on water and soil systems, which affects the level of fertility and the quality of farmed products. Results. The analysis showed a negative effects of fungicides on the soil and water ecosystems. According to the reported results, the most dangerous are propamocarb hydrochloride, mancozeb, fluazinam and famoxate. Noteworthy, 30% of the chemicals presented in this review are extremely toxic, 38% are moderately toxic, and 17% are toxic. It was found that the recurring usage of the same fungicides causes the adaptation of pathogens to the active substances while their replacement with other chemicals generates additional costs. The research indicates the necessity of modifying the current protection strategy by eliminating the most dangerous chemical compounds for nature and supplementing the protection program with environmentally safe biopreparations. A new strategy was proposed to fight potato pathogens based on the components obtained from domestic plants of the high biological activity potential (e.g. Curcuma longa, Allium sativum). An innovative approach to plant protection is the use of natural, effective and safe technologies to reduce or even eliminate the traditional chemical preparations. Conclusions. To prevent further degradation of the environment, the presented chemicals must be replaced by effective natural substances showing the antimicrobial activity. The prevention of further degradation of the environment caused by the development of agriculture is extremely important, because the quality and yield of crops depend on the soil quality, and the quality of crops affects human health



Біографії авторів

A. Bekhter, Лодзський технологічний університет, факультет біотехнологій і харчових продуктів, Інститут хімії харчових продуктів


K. Śmigielski, Лодзський технологічний університет, факультет біотехнологій і харчових продуктів, Інститут хімії харчових продуктів

Professor habilitated doctor


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Як цитувати
Bekhter, A., & Śmigielski, K. (2019). Негативні впливи на природне середовище хімічних засобів, що використовуються проти патогенів картоплі (англ.). Вісник Харківського національного університету імені В. Н. Каразіна. Серія «Екологія», (20), 128-134. https://doi.org/10.26565/1992-4259-2019-20-12