Approaches to teaching high school students about the environment protection in the greater Bielsko-Biała metropolitan area (Poland)

  • Н. Є. Томчевська-Попович Сілезький університет, факультет наук про Землю
Keywords: social research, ecology education, environment protection, Bielsko-Biała


The results of the study revealed that the vast majority of the students do not take interest in environmental protection issues. Moreover, the high school students displayed unsatisfactory knowledge about the protected natural areas around their city. The survey revealed that the study subjects were unable to identify the types of the natural protected areas surrounding their city, let alone list or name the specific sanctuaries or natural landmarks. These disappointing findings generalize to both the students who live in Bielsko-Biała, and those who live in distant northern provinces of the region. The results of the study stress the need for field trips and other programs aimed at advancing students’ knowledge in this area. The need to incentivize teachers to organize fieldtrips and other events of this sort is also highlited.


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How to Cite
Томчевська-Попович, Н. Є. (1). Approaches to teaching high school students about the environment protection in the greater Bielsko-Biała metropolitan area (Poland). Visnyk of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series Еcоlogy, (1140), 107-113. Retrieved from