Investigation of demand and consumer requirements of holidaymakers in suburban areas

  • S. V. Anisimov Research establishment "Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Ecological Problems
Keywords: recreational services, questionnaire survey, territorial preferences of holidaymakers, structure, duration of the recreational activities


At present, the suburban areas are of primary importance for short-term summer rest. Equally important is the fact that a country recreation facilities in the perception of a person is a direct embodiment of nature and counterbalance the urban environment. Departure from the city on weekends has already become an important part of the rhythm of life of the citizens. The requirements for the selection of recreational facilities best reflect the unorganized repose, because they are mobile and able to choose the locations of summer camps that are not tied to existing recreational facilities and where it is possible to do swimming, walking, picking mushrooms and berries, etc. Investigation of consumer preferences of recreational establishments can justify indicators of evaluation of local area territories for further development in the most suitable territories of recreational activity on the basis of small recreational objects. On the basis of literary data, the consumer preferences of recreationists who plan and make a short-term recreation on the shore of a water object are investigated. The peaks of the desired duration of the trip are determined, as well as the requirements for the presence in the landscape of a combination of elements such as mountains, hills, forest, water spaces, while most tourists consider it compulsory to have a water object near the recreation area. The most desirable holiday season is summer. Within the framework of this work, demand, motivation, expectations and interests of unorganized vacationers on the coast of the river Siversky Donets in the summer period of 2014-2016 were also studied. In the study, simple random sampling procedures were used. The total number of respondents was 167 people: 65 people in 2014, 53 people in 2015 and 48 people in 2016. The questionnaire included several question groups. Based on the answers of tourists three groups of criteria for evaluation of recreational territories of the local level were formed: natural resource criteria, environmental criteria and socio-economic criteria. These criteria are the basis for the formation of sets of quantitative indicators and calculation of the estimated rank of selected territories.



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How to Cite
Anisimov, S. V. (2017). Investigation of demand and consumer requirements of holidaymakers in suburban areas. Visnyk of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series Еcоlogy, (17), 49-54.