Шестнадесетият том на «Дриновски сборник» е посветен на 70-годишния юбилей на неговия главен редактор, прочут украински учен-българист, доктор на историческите науки, професор, ръководител катедра «Нова и най-нова история» на Харковския национален университет «В. Н. Каразин», Чуждестранен член на Българската академия на науките Михаил Станчев. Освен тематичните дялове («История на България и българите», «Българската диаспора: история и съвременно състояние», «Балкански профили в историята», «България и Украйна в културни връзки и международни отношения», «Европеистиката като комплекс от научни дисциплини»), представени са традиционните рубрики: «Историография и изворознание», «Рецензии», «Научен живот», «In memoriam». Изданието е предназначено за професионални историци и етнолози, студенти от хуманитарни факултети и широка читателска аудитория.
Volume XV presents a collection of articles based on the international scientific online conference Х Drynovsky readings “The Balkans in international relations: from late Antiquity to the era of globalization” held by V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, the Institute of Ukraine History of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Commission of Historians of Ukraine and Bulgaria, Scientific Society of History of Diplomacy and International Relations, the Institute of Balkan Studies with the Center of Fracology and the Institute of Historical Studies of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in Kharkiv in 2021. In addition to the thematic chapters, it presents traditional for “Drinovsky sbornikˮ sections: “Source studies and historiography”, “Reviewsˮ, “Scientific Lifeˮ, “In memoria”. The edition is intended professional historians, students of humanities and wide range of readers.
Volume XIV presents a collection of articles based on the conference “Central and South-Eastern Europe after the Cold War: Political, Socio-Economic and Socio-Cultural Transformations (to the 30th Anniversary of the Paris Charter for a New Europe)” held by V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Luigi Vanvitelli University (Campania, Italy), the Institute of Art History, Folklore and Ethnology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the Institute of Balkan Studies with the Center of Fracology of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in Kharkiv in 2020. The volume also presents scientific research of the participants of the international round table “Infrastructure as a factor in the modernization of Central and Eastern Europe in the "Long XIX century"” organized within the Jean Monnet module «Infrastructure that have united Europe: Insights into the History, Recent Developments and Outlook for Capacities» 611665-EPP-1-2019-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE. In addition to the thematic chapters, it presents traditional for “Drinovsky sbornikˮ sections: “Reviewsˮ, “Scientific Lifeˮ. The edition is intended professional historians, students of humanities and wide range of readers.
Drynovsky sbornykVol. 13 (2020)
Volume XIII presents a collection of articles based on the conference «XIX-th Drinov Readings. The Black Sea and the Black Sea Region as a Contact Zone of Civilizations and Cultures» held by Мarin Drinov Bulgarian and Balkan Research Centre in Kharkiv in 2018. In addition to the thematic chapters, it presents traditional for «Drinovsky sbornik» sections: «Reviews», «Scientific Life», «In memoriam». The edition is intended professional historians, students of humanities and wide range of readers.
Drinovsky sbornikVol. 12 (2019)
Volume XII presents a collection of articles based on XVIII-th and XIX-th Cyril and Methodius Readings, International Conference "1918 in the history of Central and Eastern Europe" and International symposium "Bulgarian names in the history of Ukraine and Moldova" held by Мarin Drinov Bulgarian and Balkan Research Centre in Kharkiv during 2018–2019. In addition to the thematic chapters, it presents traditional for "Drinovsky sbornik" sections: "Reviews", "Scientific Life", "In memoriam". The edition is intended professional historians, students of humanities and wide range of readers.
Drinovsky SbornikVol. 11 (2018)
Volume 11 presents a collection of articles on the basis of 27 Cyril and Methodius Readings on the topic “Educational and Cultural Space of Central and Eastern Europe: National Models and Occidental Influences” (Kharkiv, 11-12 May 2016), held by the University Center for Bulgarian and Balkan studies named after Marin Drinov. The international conference was realized in framework of the project № 574727-EPP-1-2016-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE “History of the United Europe: Ideas, Projects and Integration”. In addition to thematic chapters it presents traditional for “Drinovski sbornik” sections: “Reviews”, “Scientific Life” etc. The edition is intended for professional historians, students of humanities and wide range of readers.
Drinovsky sbornikVol. 10 (2017)
Volume X presents a collection of articles on the basis of VIII Drinovski Readings (2016) and scientific symposia, held by the university Marin Drinov Center for Bulgarian and Balkan studies in Kharkiv during 2016-2017. In addition to thematic chapters it presents traditional for “Drinovski sbornik” sections: “Historiography, Source Studies, Special Historical Disciplines”, “Reviews”, “Scientific Life”, “Jubilees.” The edition is intended for professional historians, students of humanities and wide range of readers.
Drinovsky sbornikVol. 9 (2016)
Volume IX presents a collection of articles on the basis of Cyril and Methodius Readings and scientific symposia, held on by the university Center for Bulgarian and Balkan studies named after M. Drinov in the Kharkiv during 2014-2016 years. In addition to thematic chapters it presents traditional for “Drinovsky collections” sections: “Historiography, Source Studies, Archival Studies”, “Reviews”, “Scientific Life”, “In memoriam”.The edition is intended for professional historians, students of humanities and wide range of readers.
Drinovsky sbornikVol. 8 (2015)
Volume 8 presents a collection of articles on the basis of Cyril and Methodius Readings and scientific symposia, held on by the university Center for Bulgarian and Balkan studies named after M. Drinov in 2013-2014. In addition to thematic chapters it presents traditional for “Drinovsky collections” sections: “Sources and Source Studies”, “Reviews”, “Scientific Life”, “In memoriam”. The edition is intended for professional historians, students of humanities and wide range of readers.
Drinovky SbornikVol. 6 (2013)
The sixth volume is a collection of articles on the results of 12 Sts. Cyril and Methodius Readings (Kharkіv, 2012), dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the birth of I. Sreznevskiy, as well as several scientific meetings of young scientists, held in the Kharkov University and the University of Sofia in 2011-2012. In addition to the traditional topical headings for “Drinov collections” new rubrics are presented: “Sources and source study”, “Reviews”, “Scientific and artistic life”, “Jubilees”. Designed for professional historians, students of humanitarian faculties and the general public.