In connection with Ukraine's choice of a course for European integration, the study of the Bulgarian experience in the processes of economic cooperation with EU countries acquires special relevance for national economic development. The article analyzes the main results of Bulgaria's economic integration into the European space within the framework of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) in the following directions: financial and logistical support, trade and investments in the development of rural areas. Despite a number of advantages and disadvantages, the process of implementation of СAP generally led to the further expansion of economic relations between Bulgaria and the EU, and the state agricultural policy was adapted to European agricultural legislation, which helped to accelerate stabilization processes in the industry. The peculiarities of the transition of the Bulgarian economy from command-administrative to market conditions of functioning are revealed. It is the study and use of the Bulgarian experience that should help soften this process in domestic conditions. It was determined that the main prerequisite for reforming agricultural production was the determination of promising directions for improving the strategy of economic development, taking into account the integration aspirations of Bulgaria.
According to the results of the study, it was concluded that relations in the economic and, in particular, agricultural spheres developed according to market principles since the country chose a new political course aimed at bilateral cooperation, improvement of the material and technical base of production and the entry of Bulgarian products into the European market. At the same time, it is noted that in the process of Bulgaria's rapprochement with the European Economic Area, the effect of factors that negatively affected the state of national agriculture in the short- and sometimes medium-term perspective is also being monitored. These include: the introduction of a system of quotas and quality standards that small and medium-sized farms could not comply with; increasing competition from European manufacturers, etc. The conceptual vision of the integration paradigm in the Bulgarian agricultural industry, which formed the implementation of state policy measures aimed at improving rural development, is summarized. The conclusions presented in the study can be used in the process of reforming the domestic agricultural sector.
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