The article examines the basic principles of cross-border cooperation on the example of the Polish-Slovak Euroregion «Tatry» in 1994–2004. It is noted that the main goals of such cross-border international associations are to reduce the influence of national borders in favour of uniform and comprehensive development of the borderland. The cohesion of representatives of territorial communities working together to implement socially important projects allows them to understand each other better, get rid of mutual prejudice and stereotypical perceptions of the neighbouring nation.
The Euroregion «Tatry» has existed since 1994 and operates in accordance with the principles of partnership, mutual respect, equality, good neighbourly relations between residents, and coherence in decision-making processes. Before the accession of the Republic of Poland and the Slovak Republic to the European Union in 2004, the activities of the Euroregion «Tatry» had limited funding, which allowed for the implementation of mostly small projects in the areas of infrastructure development, business, trade, culture, education, sports, etc. The accession of the countries to the European Union provided the Euroregion with access to new sources of funding and allowed them to increase the scale of their activities and launch more ambitious projects.
Polish-Slovak cross-border cooperation has accelerated the development of European integration mechanisms in both countries and has become one of the important factors in the future active participation of Poland and Slovakia in the European Union initiatives. This positive experience is significant for Ukraine and should be used to develop existing cross-border cooperation with neighbouring the EU member states and Moldova.
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