Dynamics of the population of the Bulgarian ethnic minority of Northern Azov region in 1921–1991.
Exploring the processes of development of ethnicity and culture of an ethnic minority, it is important to consider the demographic changes which have a significant impact on its ability to preserve itself as a socio-cultural integrity. The purpose of this article is to show the demographic changes among the Bulgarian ethnic minority of Northern Azov region at the Soviet period.
The study revealed that for the most part of the period was observed a tendency to declining in the Bulgarian population of Northern Azov region. By the mid-20s of the 20th century was observed the increase in the Bulgarian population. However, already in the late 30's censuses showed the declining in the Bulgarian population, which lasted until about 50-60's. The 1970 census recorded some increase in the Bulgarian population in Zaporizhia Oblast compared with the previous census of 1959, however, later the number of Bulgarians decreased again. The reasons for this phenomenon could be partly the tragic events of the first half of the twentieth century (collectivization, famine 1932–33, repression, World War II), partly – the migration of Bulgarians to other regions (usually to large cities) for education and employment.
In addition, in the study period among Bulgarians of the region there is a steady trend towards urbanization – if in 1926 about 98.6% of Bulgarians in the region lived in rural areas (and 96.6% - in Bulgarian villages), then in 1979 – only about 59%. Bulgarians who migrated to cities actually found themselves in a foreign ethnic environment, which accelerated their assimilation.
As of 1989, the population of Bulgarian villages decreased by an average of 51.2% compared to 1926, which fits perfectly into the general trend of declining rural population in the region. The share of Bulgarians in Bulgarian villages also decreased significantly. In 1926 in half of the Bulgarian villages Bulgarians made up more than 90% of the population. In 1989 Bulgarians made up more than three-quarters of the population in only 5 villages, while in a third of Bulgarian villages Bulgarians were less than 50% and in two villages they were not included into the main ethnic groups.
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