International relations in Balkans in heritage of A. L. Pogodin, professor of Kharkiv Emperor’s University
Aleksandr Lvovich Pogodin (1872–1947) ) was a distinct authority in Russian Empire and European Slavic studies, Associate Professor of Universities of Saint Petersburg, Professor of Warsaw, Kharkiv, Belgrade Univesities. Though his generalizing works “History of Serbia” (1909) and “History of Bulgaria” (1910) the scholar published before his service term at Kharkiv Univirsity (1910–1919), he treated Balkans topics in some of his published articles and lecture courses. Course “Lectures on Slavic Antiquities” (1910), particularly, its part relating to Balkans, actually summarized all achievements of Russian Empire historiography for 60 plus years. He disclosed main stages of political and cultural development of the largest Balkan ethnicities in his published textbook “Lectures on History of Serbian and Bulgarian Literature”» (1914). Though A. L.Pogodin did not share the convictions of Slavophils, some of their notions were reflected in his “Essays on History of Slavic Mutuality” (1910). He was the first of domestic historiographers to publish a generalizing “Brief Essay on Slavic History” (1915) and capital volume “Slavic World. Political and Economic Situation of Slavic Nations before the War of 1914” (1915). In his study of reasons and rates of formation of Medieval Slavic states A.L.Pogodin paid special attention to geographic factor. In the course of his Kharkiv period he also translated and published a book “History of Balkan Peninsula Christian States” by K.Roth (1914).
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Kopylov, S. A. 2005. Problemy istorii slovianskykh narodiv v istorychnii dumtsi Ukrainy (ostannia tretyna XVII – pochatok XX st.) [Problems of the history of Slavic peoples in the historical thought of Ukraine (last third of the XVII –beginning of the XX century)] Kamyanets-Podilsky, Oium, Kamianets-Podilskyi, 464 s. (In Ukrainian).
Kulbakin, S. M. Istoriya slavyan [History of the Slavs]. Kharkov: Printing house-lithograph S. Ivanchenko, 1908, рart 1, 124 s. (In Russian).
Lapteva, L. P. 1979. Pogodin Aleksandr Lvovich [Pogodin Alexander Lvovich]. Slavyanovedenie v dorevolyutsionnoy Rossii: Biobibliograficheskiy slovar. Moscow, s. 271-272. (In Russian).
Lapteva, L. P. 2006. Aleksandr Lvovich Pogodin (1872-1947) kak issledovatel istorii slavyan [Alexander Lvovich Pogodin (1872-1947) as a researcher of the history of the Slavs]. Srednevekovyiy gorod: mezhvuzovskiy nauchnyiy sbornik. Saratov. Saratovskiy gosudarstvennyiy universitet, issue 17, s. 166–184. (In Russian).
Lapteva, L. P. 2011. Russkiy istorik-slavist Aleksandr Lvovich Pogodin: Zhizn i tvorchestvo (1872–1947) [Russian Slavic Historian Alexander Lvovich Pogodin: Life and Work (1872–1947)]. Moscow, House of the Russian Diaspora named after Alexander Solzhenitsyn, 148 s. (In Russian).
Liman, S. I. 1992. Harkovskiy period nauchnoy deyatelnosti professora A. L. Pogodina [Kharkov period of scientific activity of professor A. L. Pogodin]. Vestnik Harkovskogo universiteta, Kharkov, vol. 363. Ser. «Istoriya», issue 26, s. 125–134. (In Russian).
Lyman, S. I. 1993. Mediievistyka v Ukraini v kintsi XIX – na pochatku XX st. (1880–1917) [Medieval Studies in Ukraine in the late XIX - early XX centuries. (1880–1917)]. Candidate’s thesis. Kharkiv, 346 s. (In Ukrainian).
Obozrenie prepodavaniya predmetov i raspredeleniya lektsiy i prakticheskih zanyatiy po istoriko-filologicheskomu fakultetu imperatorskogo Harkovskogo universiteta na 1911-1912 akademicheskiy god [Review of the teaching of subjects and the distribution of lectures and practical classes at the Historical and Philological Faculty of the Imperial Kharkov University for the 1911-1912 academic year]. 1911. Kharkov, 22 s. (In Russian).
Obozrenie prepodavaniya predmetov i raspredeleniya lektsiy i prakticheskih zanyatiy po istoriko-filologicheskomu fakultetu imperatorskogo Harkovskogo universiteta na 1912-1913 akademicheskiy god [Review of the teaching of subjects and the distribution of lectures and practical classes in the historical and philological faculty of the Imperial Kharkov University for the 1912-1913 academic year]. 1912. Kharkov, Pechatnik, 20 s. (In Russian).
Obozrenie prepodavaniya predmetov po istoriko-filologicheskomu fakultetu imperatorskogo Harkovskogo universiteta na 1916-1917 uchebnyiy god [Review of teaching subjects at the Faculty of History and Philology of the Imperial Kharkov University for the 1916-1917 academic year]. 1916. Kharkov, Printing Business, 27 s. (In Russian).
Picheta, V. I. 1916. Retsenziya [Review] Golos minuvshego, vol. 10. S. 207-208 (Pogodin A. L. Kratkiy ocherk istorii slavyan [A short sketch of the history of the Slavs]. Moscow: Publishing house G. A. Leman, 1915.124 s.) (In Russian).
Pogodin, A. L. 1910a. Nemetskiy natisk [German onslaught]. Yuzhnyiy kray. 14 October, s. 2-3. (In Russian).
Pogodin, A. L. 1910b. Opyat vostochnyiy vopros [Again the Eastern question]. Yuzhnyiy kray, 23 November, S. 5. (In Russian).
Pogodin, A. L. 1910c. Lektsii po slavyanskim drevnostyam [Lectures on Slavic antiquities]. Kharkov, Printing house-lithograph S. Ivanchenko, 410 s. (In Russian).
Pogodin, A. L. 1910d. [Ocherki iz istorii slavyanskoy vzaimnosti]. Moskovskiy ezhenedelnik, issue 10, s. 26–34, issue 11, s. 35–44, issue 15, s. 31–46, issue 20, s. 33–42 (In Russian).
Pogodin, A. L. 1914a. Lektsii po istorii serbskoy i bolgarskoy literature [Lectures on the history of Serbian and Bulgarian literature]. Kharkov, Printing house-lithograph S. Ivanchenko, 228 s. (In Russian).
Pogodin, A. L. 1914b. Sobyitiya 1905-1913[Events 1905-1913]. Rot K. Istoriya hristianskih gosudarstv Balkanskogo poluostrova (Bolgariya, Serbiya, Rumyiniya, Chernogoriya, Gretsiya [Roth K. History of the Christian states of the Balkan Peninsula (Bulgaria, Serbia, Romania, Montenegro, Greece]. Sankt-Peterburg, s. 112–120 (In Russian).
Pogodin, A. L. 1915a. Kratkiy ocherk istorii slavyan [A brief outline of the history of the Slavs]. Moscow: G.A. Lehman's Publishing House, 124 s. (In Russian).
Pogodin, A. L. 1915b. Slavyanskiy mir. Politicheskoe i ekonomicheskoe polozhenie slavyanskih narodov pered voynoy 1914 g. [Slavic world. The political and economic situation of the Slavic peoples before the war of 1914]. Moscow, Printing House of the ID Sytin Partnership, VIII, 420 s. (In Russian).
Rot, K. 1914. Istoriya hristianskih gosudarstv Balkanskogo poluostrova (Bolgariya, Serbiya, Rumyiniya, Chernogoriya, Gretsiya) [History of the Christian states of the Balkan Peninsula (Bulgaria, Serbia, Romania, Montenegro, Greece)].Translated under the editorship and with an additional essay by Prof. A. L. Pogodin. St. Petersburg, P. P. Soikin Publishing House, 123 s. (In Russian).
Slavyanovedenie v dorevolyutsionnoy Rossii. Izuchenie yuzhnyih i zapadnyih slavyan [Slavic studies in pre-revolutionary Russia. Study of the South and West Slavs].1988. Moscow, Nauka, 400 s. (In Russian).
Soloviev, A. V. 1958. Pogodin Aleksandr Lvovich (K desyatiletiyu so dnya konchinyi) [Pogodin Alexander Lvovich (On the tenth anniversary of his death)] Kratkie soobscheniya Instituta Slavyanovedeniya AN SSSR, issue 3, s. 57–59. (In Russian).
Voznesenskiy, S. 1915. Retsenziya [Review] Russkaya myisl, vol. 2, s. 17-18 (Pogodin A. L. Kratkiy ocherk istorii slavyan [A short sketch of the history of the Slavs]. Moscow, Publishing house G. A. Leman, 1915. 124 s.) (In Russian).