The Resistance of Romania to the Russian Bolshevik Aggression, 1918-1920

Keywords: Bolshevism, the Anti-Bolshevik Wars in Central and Eastern Europe in 1918-1920, Cordon Sanitaire, Russian Soviet Republic, the Kingdom of Romania, Bessarabia


The Bolsheviks, who seized power in Russia in 1917, tried to enlarge the Soviet power in Europe by means of the so-called “export of revolution”, more precisely, the hidden aggression. The ultimate goal of the Bolshevik policy was the creation of the so-called “World Socialist Republic”. The national states of Central and Eastern Europe, resisting the spread of Bolshevism, were drawn into wars against Soviet Russia, those were disguised as the “internal civil wars” by the Soviet Russian government. In this regards, Romania turned out to be an exception to the general trend, since it was the only country of the region that was officially at the state of the war against Soviet Russia.
The Anti-Bolshevik wars in Central and Eastern Europe ended with the creation of the so-called Tartu-Riga system and Cordon Sanitaire, where Bucharest was assigned the key role of protecting the Balkans from the Bolshevik expansion. Having waged the war on two fronts, Romania completed the process of its national unification, became a regional center of power, but remained the only state of Cordon Sanitaire which Soviet Russia did not sign the peace agreement.


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How to Cite
Бондаренко, Д. (2020). The Resistance of Romania to the Russian Bolshevik Aggression, 1918-1920. Drinovsky Sbornik, 12, 179-187.