
  • State Formation
    Vol. 2 No. 34 (2023)

    State Formation : coll. of science works ; еlectronic edition. – Kh. : V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. – 2023. – № 2 (34). – 224 p.

    Approved for publication by the Аcademic Сouncil Kharkiv National University named after V. N. Karazin, protocol no. 21 of November 27, 2023

  • State Formation
    Vol. 1 No. 33 (2023)

    State Formation : coll. of science works ; еlectronic edition. – Kh. : V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. – 2023. – № 1 (33). – 224 p.

    Approved for publication by the Аcademic Сouncil Kharkiv National University named after V. N. Karazin, protocol no. 10 of June 27, 2023

  • State Formation
    Vol. 2 No. 32 (2022)

    State Formation : coll. of science works ; electronic edition. – Kh. : V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. – 2022. – № 2 (32). – 128 p.

    Approved for publication by the Аcademic Сouncil ot the V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, protocol no. 19 of December 26, 2022

    Vol. 31 No. 1 (2022)

    State Formation : coll. of science works ; electronic edition. – Kh. : V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. – 2022. – № 1 (31). – 128 p.

    Approved for publication by the Аcademic Сouncil ot the V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, protocol no. 10 of June 27, 2022

  • State Formation
    Vol. 1 No. 30 (2021)

    UDC 35(477+100)                                                                                                ISSN 1992-2337 
                                                                           STATE FORMATION
                                                  Electronic scientific professional publication

    The journal contains scientific refinements on the theory and practice of public administration, regional and sectored management, personnel policy in the field of public administration, political and legal principles of public administration, as well as the experience of the world experience in public administration and public policy.
    Recommended for publication by the Academic Council of Kharkiv Regional Institute of Public Administration of the National Academy fo Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, the protocol number № 5/272-6 from 03.06.2021.

    Responsible for publicationPhD in Public Administration, Аssociate Professor A. O. Kuznetsov

    Ukrainian identification - journal of "B" category.
    Since 2017 collection has been indexed by  Index Copernicus International

  • State Formation
    No. 2 (2020)

    UDC 35(477+100)                                                                                                ISSN 1992-2337 
                                                                           STATE FORMATION
                                                  Electronic scientific professional publication

    The journal contains scientific refinements on the theory and practice of public administration, regional and sectored management, personnel policy in the field of public administration, political and legal principles of public administration, as well as the experience of the world experience in public administration and public policy.
    Recommended for publication by the Academic Council of Kharkiv Regional Institute of Public Administration of the National Academy fo Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, the protocol number № 5/266-9 from 17.12.2020.

    Responsible for publicationPhD in Public Administration, Аssociate Professor A. O. Kuznetsov

    Ukrainian identification - journal of "B" category.
    Since 2017 collection has been indexed by  Index Copernicus International

  • State Formation
    No. 1 (2020)

    UDC 35(477+100)                                                                                                ISSN 1992-2337 
                                                                           STATE FORMATION
                                                  Electronic scientific professional publication

    The journal contains scientific refinements on the theory and practice of public administration, regional and sectored management, personnel policy in the field of public administration, political and legal principles of public administration, as well as the experience of the world experience in public administration and public policy.
    Recommended for publication by the Academic Council of Kharkiv Regional Institute of Public Administration of the National Academy fo Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, the protocol number № 5/261-3 from 30.06.2020.

    Responsible for publicationPhD in Public Administration, Аssociate Professor A. O. Kuznetsov

    Ukrainian identification - journal of "B" category.
    Since 2017 collection has been indexed by  Index Copernicus International

  • State Formation
    No. 2 (2019)

    УДК 35(477+100)                                                                                        ISSN 1992-2337



    Електронне наукове фахове видання

    Харківського регіонального інституту державного управління

    Національної академії державного управління при Президентові України

    Тематика згідно з галуззю науки “25.00.00 – Державне управління” відповідно до чинного переліку галузей наук.

    Журнал містить наукові доробки з питань теорії та практики державного управління, регіонального й галузевого управління, кадрової політики у сфері публічного управління, політико-правових засад державного управління, а також надбання світового досвіду з публічного врядування та публічної політики.

    Харків, Видавництво Харківського регіонального інституту державного управління Національної академії державного управління при Президентові України “Магістр”. Свідоцтво про державну реєстрацію ДК № 1654 від 19 січня 2004 р.

    Схвалено Вченою радою Харківського регіонального інституту державного управління Національної академії державного управління при Президентові України. Протокол № 11/255-6 від 21 грудня 2019 р.

    Відповідальний за випуск: А. О. Кузнецов, к.держ.упр., доц.

    Редактор М. М. Сорокун


    Технічний редактор І. М. Меркушева

    Включено до Переліку наукових фахових видань України з державного управління категорії Б – наказ Міністерства освіти і науки України № 1643 від 28 грудня 2019 р.

    З 2017 року збірник індексується в міжнародній наукометричній базі Index Copernicus International

    Since 2017 collection has been indexed by  Index Copernicus International

  • State Formation
    No. 1 (2019)

    UDC 35(477+100) ISSN 1992-2337



    Electronic scientific professional publication


    The journal contains scientific refinements on the theory and practice of public administration, regional and sectored management, personnel policy in the field of public administration, political and legal principles of public administration, as well as the experience of the world experience in public administration and public policy.

    Recommended for publication by the Academic Council of Kharkiv Regional Institute of Public Administration of the National Academy fo Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, the protocol number  6/250-7 from 25.06.2019.

    Responsible for publication

    PhD in Public Administration, Аssociate Professor A. O. Kuznetsov

    Since 2017 collection has been indexed by  Index Copernicus International


    © Kharkiv Regional Institute of Public Administration of the National Academy

    fо Public Administration under the President of Ukrainе, 2019

  • State Formation
    No. 2 (2018)

    UDC 35(477+100)
    ISSN 1992-2337 
    Electronic scientific professional publication
    The journal contains scientific refinements on the theory and practice of public administration, regional and sectored management, personnel policy in the field of public administration, political and legal principles of public administration, as well as the experience of the world experience in public administration and public policy.
    Recommended for publication by the Academic Council of Kharkiv Regional Institute of Public Administration of the National Academy fo Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, the protocol number  9/243-10 from 30.11.2019.
    Responsible for publicationPhD in Public Administration, Аssociate Professor A. O. Kuznetsov
    Since 2017 collection has been indexed by  Index Copernicus International
    © Kharkiv Regional Institute of Public Administration of the National Academyfо Public Administration under the President of Ukrainе, 2019