До сезонної динаміки угруповань коротконадкрилих жуків (Staphylinidae, Coleoptera, Insecta) у лісових екосистемах гірського масиву Ґорґан

Ключові слова: угруповання коротконадкрилих жуків, лісові екосистеми, сезонна динаміка


The work highlights the peculiarities of the seasonal activity of rove beetles that occur in different types of forest ecosystems in the mountain massif of Gorgan. The research territory covered three landscape-altitude zones, within which five types of forest ecosystems were identified: Scots pine and European cedar pine forests (subalpine zone), spruce-fir forests (upper forest zone), as well as mixed (spruce-fir-beech) and beech forests (lower forest belt). The collection of specimen material was carried out from 2017 to 2021 throughout the entire vegetation period, using Barber traps. During the research, representatives of 76 species of Staphylinidae belonging to 13 subfamilies were identified.The highest level of species richness is observed in the subfamilies Staphylininae, Tachyporinae, and Steninae. The highest number of species was recorded in beech forests (55 species), while the lowest was found in mountain pine forests (23 species) and European cedar pine forests (25 species). Specific species were found in each ecosystem, with only five species being common to all analyzed biocenosis: Atrecus longiceps, Philonthus decorus, Tasqius morsitans compressus, Stenus comma comma, Tachynus rufipes.

The analysis of the seasonal dynamics of rove beetles demonstrates common patterns for groups in different types of forest ecosystems. Specifically, the highest activity levels of insects are observed during June-July, while the lowest ones occur in April and October. An exception is observed in the ecosystems of mountain pine and European cedar pine, where Staphylinidae are found from the second half of May until the end of August, and certain species can be found in the first half of September. Throughout the warm period of the year, multiple peaks of activity are observed in staphylinid communities.

In the ravine forest, the peak of summer activity for mountain pines falls in the second decade of July, with three species predominating: Eusphalerum primulare, Omalium rugatum and Tasgius morsitans compressus. The autumn increase in activity is characterized by a much lesser degree of expression and the dominance of Paederus (Poedemorphus) littoralis littoralis and Tachyporus hypnorum.

In the biocenosis of European cedar pine, are two summer peaks of rove beetles beetles: the first during the first decade of July and the second in the second decade of August. During the July peak Omalium rugatum, Eusphalerum primulare, and Oxyporus rufus rufus dominate, while during the August peak, Acidota crenata, Atrecus longiceps, and Lordithon trinotatus dominate.

In the group of spruce-fir forests, the first peak of activity occurs in the summer, while the second peak occurs in autumn, with a relatively consistent decrease in activity between them. The dominant species include Eusphalerum primulare, Ocypus (Matidus) nitens nitens, Staphylinus caesereus caesereus and Tasgius (Rayachelia) morsitans compressus, Lordithon lunulatus.

Staphylinid communities in mixed forests form two peaks of activity: spring and summer It is worth noting that the first two are pronounced and prolonged During the first peak, the most common are Ontholestes tesselatus, Tachyporus chrysomelinus, Anotylus sculptoratus, Philonthus decorus; the other ‒ Tasgius melanarius, Tachyporus chrysomelinus, Philonthus splendens, Philonthus rubripennis.

Staphylinid communities in beech forests are also characterized by three peaks of activity, two of which are pronounced, and one (autumn) is insignificant. During these peaks Tasgius bicharicus, Staphylinus caesereus, Staphylnus erythropterus predominate, during the second peak Tasgius bicharicus, Nudobius lentus, Lordithon trinotatus and Abemus chloropterus dominate, Tachyporus chrysomelinus and Lordithon lunupatus predominate.




Біографія автора

М.П. Луцька, Заклад вищої освіти «Університет Короля Данила»

вул. Коновальця, 35, м. Івано-Франківськ, Україна, 76018, mariana.lutska@ukd.edu.ua


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Як цитувати
Луцька, М. (2024). До сезонної динаміки угруповань коротконадкрилих жуків (Staphylinidae, Coleoptera, Insecta) у лісових екосистемах гірського масиву Ґорґан. Вісник Харківського національного університету імені В. Н. Каразіна. Серія «Біологія», 42, 49-60. https://doi.org/10.26565/2075-5457-2024-42-4