Journal of V.N.Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series «Biology»2025-01-23T12:19:34+00:00В.В.Навроцька / V.V.Navrotskayaseriesbiology@karazin.uaOpen Journal Systems<p>The Journal of V.N.Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series "Biology" is a collection of scientific works containing results of experimental research and reviews on biology, including biochemistry and genetics, zoology and botany, animal and plant physiology, mycology, microbiology, soil science, cryobiology, etc., as well as materials about events in scientific life and descriptions of original methods and devices in the field of biology.</p> <p>The Journal is intended for teachers, scholars, students and post-graduate students, specializing in biology or adjacent fields of science.</p> <p>The Journal has been registered by the order of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 1643 of 28.12.2019, and included in the list of scientific specialized editions of Ukraine (category “B”, specialty: 091).</p> forms and shoot structure of the invasive species Geranium sibiricum l. (Geraniaceae) in two local populations in Ukraine2025-01-16T09:44:17+00:00M.S. Kalistacrambe@ukr.netO.A.<p>It was found out that the life form of the alien invasive plant species <em>Geranium sibiricum</em> is interpreted ambiguously in various literature sources, and in the description of underground organs (shoot and root systems), the statements of different authors are often even contradictory. Eighty individuals of <em>G. sibiricum</em> collected in 2019–2021 during field research in two local populations: in Pyriatyn town (Poltava Oblast) and Kyiv City (Kyiv Oblast) were revised by varying the type of growth form and shoot structures using the deep concept of the caudexes diversity and their differences from other structural formations. The basic life form and model of shoot formation of <em>G. sibiricum</em>, which is a biennial conode taproot monocarpic with monopodial branching type, were clarified. In the connection with the pronounced polyvariety of the species life form two more types of it were described in <em>G. sibiricum</em> individuals: caudex taproot oligocarpic and basiphys fibrousroot oligocarpic with sympodial type of branching. The structure of elementary inflorescences of <em>G. sibiricum</em> was analysed, the structure of its above-ground and underground shoot system, as well as the root system, was investigated. It was identified that <em>G. sibiricum</em> individuals in Pyriatyn town and Kyiv City populations differ in the length of the flowering shoot, the length of the internodes, and the level of branching, and they have different types of generative shoots according to their location in space. It was found that the diversity of the architectural structure of individuals of this invasive species, associated with different growth conditions, could probably be an adaptation to the specific environmental conditions of their populations and could be valuable for studying the introduction of invasive species and determining the developmental stages at which the management of their populations will be most effective.</p>2024-12-23T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) conopsea (L.) R.Br. (Orchidacea) in the "Gorgany" Nature Reserve: population monitoring studies and complex characteristics of the habitat2025-01-16T09:45:15+00:00T.I. O.V.<p>For the first time, for the territory of the nature reserve "Gorgany" on the example of the permanent trial area No. 1, a complex characteristic of a typical post-forest meadow was compiled: based on the results of the ecomorphic analysis of the partial flora, its ecological specificity was revealed; according to the data of the weight analysis and the indicators of the projective cover, information was obtained about the features of the spatial organization of the vegetation cover; on the basis of phytoindication, the indicators of the ecological regimes of the edaphotope and climatope were calculated; the structure of the cenopopulation of <em>Gymnadenia conopsea </em>(L.) R.Br., was investigated and the degree of compliance of the growing conditions with the tolerance zone of this species was revealed. The phytosozological value of the trial area is due to the presence of seven species from the Red Book of Ukraine: <em>Gymnadenia conopsea</em>, <em>Dactylorhiza majalis </em>(Rchb.) P.F.Hunt Summerh.<em>, Platanthera bifolia </em>(L.) Rich.<em>, Neottia ovata </em>(L.) Hartm..<em>, Epipactis helleborine </em>(L.) Crantz<em>, Traunsteinera globosa </em>(L.) Rchb.,<em> Galanthus nivalis </em>L.. It was found that the spatial organization of the plant cover is heterogeneous, the indicators of the weight analysis fluctuate in a significant range. The studied area corresponds to fresh forest-meadow ecotopes with complete wetting of the root layer of the soil by precipitation and meltwater. The soils are moderately aerated, weakly acidic, quite rich in mineral salts, but with an insignificant content of carbonates and relatively poor in terms of mineral nitrogen. Such conditions of the edaphotope are favorable for the existence of mesophytes, hemihydrocontrastophobes, subacidophiles, heminitrophiles, hemiaerophobes, subombrophytes, hemioceanists, submicrotherms, hemicryophytes. It was established that the indicators of the ecological regimes of the edaphotope and climatotope are, in general, within the tolerance zone of <em>G. conopsea,</em> but for the regimes of lighting, variability of moisture, aeration and acidity, they approach the limit of the ecological amplitude of the species. A positive factor for its existence is the presence of a formed litter layer (450-500 g per 1 m<sup>2</sup> of air-dry weight); absence of dense turf (less than 180 g per 1 m<sup>2</sup>), absence (or insignificant development) of layers of semi-shrubs and mosses. The number of generative individuals has remained relatively stable for several years, although we can talk about a certain tendency to decrease.</p>2024-12-23T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) plasticity of short-stemmed winter bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars and resistance to yellow leaf blotch (Pyrenophora tritici-repentis (Died.) Drechsler) and brown (leaf) rust (Puccinia recondita f. sp. tritici Rob. et Desm.)2025-01-16T09:46:20+00:00A.V. YaroshJarosh_Andrij@ukr.netYe.Yu. Kucherenkoegorkucherenko91@gmail.comV.K. Riabchunncpgru@gmail.comN.V. Kuzmyshyna nkuzmyshyna@gmail.comO.V.<p>In the context of variability of common pathogens of foliar diseases of winter bread wheat, evolvement of virulent and aggressive races, and periodic droughts, which with climate changes increasingly occur in the territory of Ukraine, prerequisites for in-depth research into adaptability of plant varieties and selection of the best gene pool for breeding arise. The paper presents results on the environmental plasticity of short-stemmed winter bread wheat cultivars, which were differentiated by resistance to yellow leaf blotch and brown (leaf) rust. New sources of high and stable group resistance to pathogenes of these diseases were identified: cv. 'Versiia odeska' (UKR) and cv. 'Mescal' (FRA). By genotypic effect (ε<sub>i</sub>) and regression coefficient (R<sub>i</sub>) for yield, the following genotypes showing the highest genetic potential for adaptability (sum of ranks = 2) to stressful conditions of cultivation in the eastern forest-steppe of Ukraine and yielding by 16% more than the check cultivar were identified among the short-stemmed cultivars under investigation: cv. 'Pokrovska' (ε<sub>i</sub> = 1.92; R<sub>i </sub>= 0.60) (UKR), cv. 'Versiia odeska' (ε<sub>i</sub> = 1.21; R<sub>i</sub> = 0.77) (UKR), cv. 'MIP Vidznaka' (ε<sub>i</sub> = 1.05; R<sub>i</sub> = 0.82) (UKR), cv. 'Mescal' (ε<sub>i </sub>= 0.98; R<sub>i </sub>= 0.65) (FRA), and cv. 'SY Wolf' (ε<sub>i</sub> = 0.94; R<sub>i</sub> = 0.69) (USA). It was found that the genotypic effect for yield ranged from -1.71 to 1.92 in the short-stemmed cultivars, and the regression coefficient - from 0.60 to 1.45, which largely affected the environmental plasticity: the sum of ranks for this parameter varied from 2 to 6. The percentage of accessions with high genotypic effects was 33.3%; the percentage of accessions with consistently stable yields was 41.7%. It was revealed that in short-stemmed winter bread wheat, resistance to brown rust and yellow leaf blotch was significantly negatively correlated with the sum of ranks of the genotypic effect and regression coefficient for yield (r = -0.65, P < 0.01 and r = - 0.58, P<0.01, respectively). The selected sources of high group resistance to <em>Pyrenophora tritici-repentis </em>(Died.) Drechsler) and brown (leaf) rust (<em>Puccinia recondita </em>f. sp. <em>tritici</em> Rob. et Desm., with high yield potential and stability, are valuable starting materials for the breeding of new, highly promising winter bread wheat cultivars, which will be adaptable to stressful conditions of cultivation in the eastern forest-steppe of Ukraine.</p>2024-12-23T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) of the ukrainian population as a tool of population and genetic research2025-01-16T09:47:24+00:00L.O. Atramentovalubov.atramentova@gmail.comV.V. Shubashubavladislav@gmail.comM.Yu.<p>The article presents the results of population genetic research, Execution with the help of surnames. It is proved that Ukrainian surnames meet the previous requirements for them as a tool of population genetic research: the stench is stably inherited for more than ten generations by patrilineal type; semantics and morphology are the most diverse in the world; unevenly distributed throughout the country, differing in history, demographic processes, anthropological types of population, the distribution of biological markers. According to the correlation coefficients between the weight of the ethnic group in the population and the number of ethnic surnames, a direct connection was found. There is also a direct link between the matrix of genetic distances calculated by blood groups, haplogroups of the Y chromosome and distances by surnames. A rather strong connection of surnames with genetic markers provides a basis for extrapolating the values obtained with the help of surnames to the gene pool of the population. The distribution of the 20 most frequent surnames in different regions is shown. Calculated indicators that reflect the structure of the population and the genetic processes that take place in them: index of isonymy Ir, diversity α, inbreeding Fst, migration ν, order H and redundancy distribution R. These indicators are compared between populations in geographical and hierarchical location. The isonymy index shows a clear gradient that increases in the direction from the southeast to the northwest. Other indicators also change their value quite clearly from the South-East to the North-West directions. At lower levels of the population structure, the differential ability of indicators calculated by surnames increases. At the level of district populations, Identifying the founder's effect is analogous to genetic drift, which is particularly clearly demonstrated by the index of the place Ip. The distribution of population indicators is explained by historical events and demographic processes that have taken place in the history of the country.</p>2024-12-23T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) japonicum complex: COI-sequences variations of parasites and their intermediate hosts analyzed using BLAST2025-01-16T09:48:48+00:00M.L.<p>In this research, I report on the relationship between <em>S. ovuncatum, S. sinensium, S. japonicum, S. mekongi, </em>and <em>S. malayensis. </em>In addition, I also report on the relationship between five species of <em>Oncomelania </em>and <em>Neotricula aperta, Robertsiella </em>spp, and <em>Tricula </em>spp. Furthermore, I describe the formation of the genus <em>Oncomelania </em>from its predecessor forms. The results of nucleotide BLAST showed that <em>S. </em><em>japonicum</em> shares 99.45% identity with <em>S. malayensis</em>, 98.77% identity with <em>S. mekongi</em>, 98.07% identity with <em>S. </em><em>sinensium</em>, and 97.85% identity with <em>S. </em><em>ovuncatum</em>. In addition, the sequence of <em>S. malayensis </em>shares 100% identity with <em>S. mekongi. </em> The E value is less than 0.01. There was no amino acid replacement in the alignment results of the <em>S. japonicum </em>complex. There are no base substition in <em>S. malayensis </em>and <em>S. mekongi, 37 </em>base substitutions in<em> S. malayensis</em> <em>and S</em>. <em>sinensium</em>, ten base substitutions in <em>S. malayensis </em>and <em>S. japonicum</em>, five base substitutions in <em>S. malayensis </em>and <em>S. ovuncatum</em>. The tree-view slanted cladogram showed that <em>S. sinensium</em> is a sister to <em>S. ovuncatum. </em>It split into <em>S. japonicum. Schistosoma japonicum</em> splits into <em>S. mekongi </em>and <em>S. malayensis. </em>The results also showed that <em>Oncomelania robertsoni</em> shares 86.12% identity with <em>Neotricula aperta</em>, 85.88% identity with <em>Robertsiella </em>spp., and 85.28% identity with <em>Tricula bollingi</em>. The E value is less than 0.01. There are two amino acid replacements in <em>O. robertsoni </em>and <em>N. aperta </em>alignments, four amino acid replacements and 84 base substitutions in <em>O. robertsoni </em>and <em>Robertsiella, </em>and two amino aciid replacements and 88 base substitutions in <em>O. robertsoni</em> and <em>T. bolingi</em>. The tree-view slanted cladogram showed that <em>Tricula </em>spp. split into <em>N. aperta </em>and <em>Robertsiella</em> spp. This study showed that <em>Oncomelania </em>rose from its predecessor forms. Nucleotide BLAST results showed that <em>S. ovuncatum </em>is close to <em>S. sinensium. Schistosoma sinensium </em>split into <em>S. japonicum, S. mekongi, </em>and<em> S. malayensis. Oncomelania robertsoni</em> was close to <em>N. aperta </em>than to<em> Robertsiella </em>spp., and then <em>Tricula</em> spp. (<em>Tricula bollingi</em>)<em>. Oncomelania </em>species emerged from their predecessor forms.</p>2024-12-23T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) records of deep-sea Gastrotricha and Tardigrada from Iberian and Canary Basins (Northeast Atlantic) with comments on abyssal meiofauna composition and the meiofauna paradox2025-01-23T12:19:34+00:00R. Trokhymchukrtrokhymchuk@gmail.comA.<p>The “meiofauna paradox” refers to the amphi-oceanic or even cosmopolitan distribution of species of this ecological group, i.e. the marine meiofauna, as opposed to their weak dispersal potential. Dissolving this paradox includes on the one hand the discovery of complexes of genetically distinct but morphological cryptic species with much more limited distribution areas, but also involves the investigation of “stepping stone habitats” like the shelf area of oceanic islands and summits of seamounts. Such biotopes subdivide long distances, e.g. from one continent to the other, into shorter sections. However, what needs to be excluded is a possible distribution of “shallow water meiofauna” simply via population growth and range expansion at the abyssal plains of the world's oceans. In order to test if the abyssal plains may represent a barrier against dispersal of certain marine meiofauna taxa, we studied the composition of the meiofauna from six samples (stations) taken during the expedition IceDivA (SO280) of the R/V Sonne to the Iberian and Canary Basins from abyssal depths (4904-5485 m). The taxonomic focus was put on the Gastrotricha and Tardigrada. The dominant taxa in all samples were nematodes (13.0 - 97.7 ind./cm<sup>2</sup>) and copepods (0.4 - 9.6 ind./cm<sup>2</sup>), followed by annelids, kinorhynchs and ostracods. Three Gastrotricha species (<em>Desmodasys </em>sp. iberianA, <em>Desmodasys</em> sp. langsethA, <em>Musellifer </em>sp. iberianA (<em>Musellifer </em>aff. <em>tridentatus</em>)) and one tardigrade (<em>Coronarctus dissimilis</em>) were registered and examined using light microscopy (DIC and CLSM) and SEM. All gastrotrichs from the examined samples presumably represent new and still undescribed species. The range of geographic and bathymetric distribution of <em>Coronarctus dissimilis</em> increases to the Iberian Basin and to a depth of 4163 m. This finding further hints to a potential amphi-Atlantic distribution of this species. We compare our data with those from other studies on seamounts, oceanic islands and from the deep-sea and conclude that the abyssal plains represent a significant barrier against long distance dispersal for most genera (and species) of Gastrotricha and for a certain fraction of genera of Tardigrada, too.</p>2024-12-23T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) distribution of branchiobdellidan worms (Annelida: Clitellata) on the noble crayfish, Astacus astacus, in the Transcarpathian region, Ukraine2025-01-16T09:50:25+00:00M. Shrestkhakmu6154@gmail.comS.<p>This study explores the distribution, abundance, and diversity of branchiobdellidans on freshwater crayfish in the Zakarpattia (Transcarpathian) region of Ukraine, focusing on populations in the Tereblya River and Lake Synevir. Surveys were conducted over the summer seasons of 2008, 2009, 2017, and 2022, examining a total of 68 noble crayfish (<em>Astacus astacus</em> Linnaeus, 1758). Four branchiobdellidan species were identified: <em>Branchiobdella parasita </em>(Braun, 1805), <em>B. balcanica </em>Moszynski, 1937, <em>B. pentadonta </em>Whitman, 1882, and <em>B. hexadonta </em>Gruber, 1883. This study presents the first records of <em>B. hexadonta</em> in Ukraine, expanding on the previously recorded presence of <em>B. parasita</em> and <em>B. balcanica</em>. Among the species observed, <em>B. balcanica</em> was the most prevalent, comprising 83% of the branchiobdellidans on individual crayfish in Lake Synevir and 64% in the Tereblya River. This species primarily occupied the claws, thoracic legs, and bases of the antennules, with cocoons mostly located in the lower cervical grooves. <em>B. pentadonta</em> was less frequent, accounting for 10% and 15% of branchiobdellidan specimens in Lake Synevir and the Tereblya River, respectively, and generally cohabited the same body regions as <em>B. balcanica</em>. <em>B. hexadonta</em>, detected exclusively in Lake Synevir, was found within the gill chambers and represented only 3% of the total branchiobdellidans. Visible damage to some gill filaments suggests that this species may exhibit parasitic behavior. <em>B. parasita</em>, known for its considerable size and widespread presence across native European crayfish populations, accounted for approximately 21% of the branchiobdellidan specimens. It was commonly found on the eyes, maxillipeds, and lateral sides of the cephalothorax. This species displayed protective behavior around its cocoons, actively moving to shield them. In comparison, the recently described <em>B. bulgariensis</em>, identified in Bulgaria, differs from <em>B. parasita</em> primarily in spermathecal structure and is associated with <em>A. torrentium</em>. In this study, our samples exhibited distinct spermathecal structures from both <em>B. bulgariensis</em> and <em>B. parasita</em>, indicating potential taxonomic variation that needs further investigation through molecular genetic analysis. In this study, we enhance the existing descriptions of branchiobdellidan species by providing detailed morphological and anatomical parameters. Our findings are based on both original species descriptions and our own research contributing to the understanding of the diversity and morphology of European branchiobdellidans.</p>2024-12-23T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) of the effects of umbilical cord cryoextract and lyophilized form on the adhesive, proliferative, and metabolic properties of various cell types2025-01-16T09:51:15+00:00A. Kaverinskakaverinskaanna@gmail.comV.Yu.<p>The objective was to ascertain the potential of cryo-umbilical cord extract as an alternative to fetal bovine serum (FBS), which is conventionally employed to stimulate cell growth but is subject to ethical and safety constraints. The umbilical cord cryo-extract is a rich source of bioactive components that have been demonstrated to enhance the adhesive, proliferative and metabolic activity of cells. Furthermore, it has been shown to be an effective substitute for serum in the cultivation of various cell types, making it a promising candidate for use in cellular technology and regenerative medicine.</p> <p>The findings of the experimental study demonstrated that the cryoextract of the umbilical cord exhibited a notable enhancement in the adhesive and proliferative attributes of the cells, when compared to the other conditions that were investigated. The fibroblasts demonstrated high adhesion and rapid migration in the presence of the cryoextract, which provides advantages for potential use in the restoration of the connective tissue stroma of various organs and skin. The nerve cells demonstrated enhanced viability and stability in comparison to FBS, which renders the umbilical cord cryoextract a promising candidate for incorporation into neuroregenerative technologies. Furthermore, the cryoextract exhibited a substantial beneficial impact on fetal liver cells, augmenting their metabolic activity and adhesion, thereby opening avenues for investigation into liver regeneration. The effect on splenocytes was also favorable, indicating that it can be employed to bolster immune function in circumstances where immune response regulation is necessary.</p> <p>The lyophilized cryoextract demonstrated a limited positive effect, particularly in relation to its adhesive and proliferative properties. However, this effect was less pronounced than that observed in the cryoextract. The addition of the lyophilized cryoextract to nerve cells and fibroblasts resulted in a reduction in adhesion and migration activity, indicating the necessity for optimization of the lyophilization process to preserve the biological activity of the extract. However, the stability of the lyophilized cryoextract and its capacity for long-term storage render it a valuable resource in situations where the preservation of bioactive components and a prolonged shelf life are of significance.</p> <p>Thus, cord cryoextract represents a promising alternative to FBS, which has the potential to provide the necessary support for cell growth, adhesion and proliferation. Nevertheless, the technology employed in the production of cryo-umbilical cord extract lyophilizate must undergo further refinement in order to attain the same efficacy as that observed in cryoextract. Further research should concentrate on a comprehensive examination of the mechanisms of action of cryoextract, in addition to the optimization of lyophilization techniques to adapt this product to the requirements of cell technology and regenerative medicine. This will facilitate its wider application in the stimulation of tissue regeneration and the restoration of functional activity in various organs.</p>2024-12-23T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) of the "Berezivskyi" landscape reserve of local importance as a component of preservation of natural landscapes, biotopes and species diversity of the Northeast of Ukraine2025-01-16T09:52:42+00:00O.V. Bezrodnovao.bezrodnova@karazin.uaZ.S. Bondarenkozoya.ophidi@gmail.comN.O. Brusentsovan_brusentsova@ukr.netK.Yu.<p>In the process of creating the "Berezivskyi" landscape reserve, surveys were conducted on xerophytic, meadow, and waterlogged habitats located on the slopes and the floor of a ravine. The ravine belongs to the basin of the Merla River. The proposed reserve area is situated in northern Kharkiv Oblast near the village of Berezivka, within the Krasnokutsk territorial community in Bohodukhiv District. Remnants of steppe ecosystems that once dominated this area have survived on the upper slopes but have been affected by human activity and are now primarily used for agriculture. The floristic diversity of the xerophytic vegetation averages 23-26 vascular plant species per 100 m², with some patches supporting up to 40 species. These areas hold phytocoenotic value due to the presence of state-protected plant species, including <em>Adonis vernalis</em> L., <em>Colchicum bulbocodium </em>Ker Gawl., <em>Crocus reticulatus</em> Steven ex Adams, <em>Pulsatilla pratensis</em> (L.) Mill. s.l., and <em>Stipa capillata</em> L. The proposed reserve is also significant for the conservation of <em>Marmota bobak</em> (Müller, 1776), a species listed in Ukraine’s Red Data Book in 2021. A small stream flows along the ravine floor, partially dammed by <em>Castor fiber</em> L., with its lower reaches connected to an artificial pond. These water bodies provide vital habitats for breeding amphibians such as <em>Lissotriton vulgaris</em> (Linnaeus, 1758), <em>Pelopylax ridibunda</em> (Pallas, 1771), <em>Rana arvalis</em> (Nilsson, 1842), <em>Bufotes viridis</em> (Laurenti, 1768), <em>Pelobates vespertinus</em> (Lichtenstein, 1823), and <em>Bombina bombina</em> (Linnaeus, 1758). Additionally, a large population of <em>Lacerta agilis</em> (Linnaeus, 1758) inhabits the ravine slopes, with <em>Natrix natrix</em> (Linnaeus, 1758) encountered along the stream banks. All these amphibian and reptile species are included in the appendices of the Bern Convention. The landscape and phytocoenotic diversity within the proposed reserve contribute to a diverse avifauna and entomofauna. Eighteen bird species have been identified to date; though common to Kharkiv Oblast, they require protection under the Bern Convention. One bird species, <em>Grus grus</em> (Linnaeus, 1758), is protected at the national level. Additionally, two insect species listed in Ukraine’s Red Data Book, <em>Xylocopa valga</em> (Linnaeus, 1767) and <em>Hamearis lucina</em> (Linnaeus, 1758), have been recorded, though further studies of the entomofauna are necessary. The primary goal of the proposed reserve is to conserve landscapes typical of the Ukrainian Forest-Steppe, particularly remnant steppe ecosystems, as habitats for rare and endangered species protected at regional, national, and pan-European levels. Another important objective is the restoration of herbaceous biotopes that have experienced heavy grazing impacts in the past, mainly along the ravine floor and lower gentle slopes. The area has additional conservation value because, at the time of writing, it has remained unaffected by the destructive impacts of ongoing hostilities.</p>2024-12-23T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) effect of increased levels of reactive oxygen species in ejaculate on parameters of reproductive function in men with low fertility2025-01-16T09:53:25+00:00O.M. Feskovfmad@feskov.uaYe. Zhylkovazhilkova@feskov.uaI.A. Feskovafiadivf@gmail.comG.V. Ivanovaivanova@feskov.uaO.V.<p>A high level of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the ejaculate is one of the reasons for the failure in male reproductive function. Oxidative stress is defined as an imbalance between the formation of reactive oxygen species and the ability of the antioxidant system to detoxify them. An excess of reactive oxygen species in sperm can initiate pathological changes in spermatozoa, causing oxidative damage to cell membranes, proteins and DNA. Measurement of the content of reactive oxygen species is hindered by the lack of standardization. This study determined the effect of oxidative stress on standard microscopic parameters of the spermogram and the DNA fragmentation level of spermatozoa in the ejaculate of men with reduced reproductive function. The obtained results confirm the significant role of the detoxification system in maintaining normal microscopic parameters of the spermogram. A negative effect of a high level of reactive oxygen species in the ejaculate on the sperm motility, concentration and morphology of spermatozoa in men with reduced fertility was established (<em>p<0.05</em>). It is shown that the level of oxidative stress in the ejaculate is statistically significantly higher in patients with reduced parameters of the spermogram, compared with this indicator for men with normal indicators of reproductive function (<em>p<0.01</em>). No influence of men's age on microscopic indicators of ejaculate was found. No correlation was established between the level of reactive oxygen species and the percentage of spermatozoa with fragmented DNA in the ejaculate. However, it was shown that the proportion of spermatozoa with fragmented DNA is significantly higher in infertile patients compared to the group of men with normal reproductive function (<em>p<0.05</em>). Therefore, a high level of sperm DNA fragmentation in the ejaculate can also be considered as one of the reasons for the decline in male fertility. The necessity of determining the level of oxidative stress in men with reduced spermogram parameters as part of an examination to find out the causes of infertility in a couple has been proven. In the future, it is necessary to standardize the rules for taking the material and performing the analysis for determining the level of reactive oxygen species in the ejaculate.</p>2024-12-23T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) differences in the effect of intermittent fasting on the morphofunctional parameters of the rat's pancreas2025-01-16T09:54:06+00:00R.V.<p>The effectiveness of using intermittent fasting (IF) to activate pancreas function is not clear. One of the reasons for this may be differences in the use of IF mode, the duration of the experiment, as well as the involvement of animals of different ages in the experiment. Also, the question of how pronounced is the effect of the use of IF to increase the functional activity of the pancreas in the elderly remains open. The aim of the work was to investigate and compare the morphofunctional changes in the pancreas of rats of different ages after exposure to IF and to evaluate the prospects of its use as a means to correct pronounced age-related decreases in gland function. Experiments were performed on 40 male rats aged 3 and 15 months. Experimental animals were exposed to IF, namely, 1 day – complete fasting / 2 days – standard diet. Access to water was free. The duration of the experiment was 28 days. Histological preparations were made from pancreas tissue according to the standard method. Histomorphometry was carried out using the computer program "Image J". Research was conducted in accordance with the provisions of the "European Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals Used for Experimental and Other Scientific Purposes" (Strasbourg, 1986). It was found that exposure to IF for 28 days led to the appearance of clearly expressed morphofunctional signs of increased activity of the pancreas in adult rats. The endocrine function of the gland increased in particular, as evidenced by a probable increase in the relative area of the endocrine part (by 108%), the average number of Langerhans islets (by 44%), the size of the islets, the number of endocrinocytes located in them (by 20%), and a decrease in the concentration of glucose in the blood. In young animals, on the contrary, IF reduced the activity of both exo- and endocrine (to a greater extent) part of the gland. The effect of IF reduced the amount of connective tissue in the pancreas of rats of different ages. The obtained data can be used to improve the function of the pancreas in adults and the elderly, as well as in the prevention of age-related chronic diseases of the gland accompanied by the appearance of fibrosis. At the same time, the use of IF at a young age is not desirable.</p>2024-12-23T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) effect of artificial mycorrhization on the growth and development of plants in a vegetation experiment2025-01-16T09:51:59+00:00O.I.<p>Nowadays, numerous commercially available biological preparations based on arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi are suggested for practical use in agriculture. The potential benefits of inoculating soils with AM fingi for crop production have been shown in many studies. However, the level of the universality of such preparations, i.e. the effectiveness of artificial mycorrhization using one particular fungi species for different agricultural plants, still remains unclear. The aim of present study was to assess the possibility and effectiveness of artificial mycorrhization of tomatoes and wheat under in a vegetation experiment. The effects of adding preparation Mycoplant, which contains propagules of endomycorrhizal fungi, to the soil on seed germination, plant morphometric parameters, and the concentration of chlorophyll in wheat and tomato leaves were assessed. Seeds of wheat lines isogenic for Vrn genes of the Myronivska 808 variety and two varieties of tomatoes - the early-ripening Kremenchutsky rannij variety and the late-ripening Ace variety were used in the experiment. The use of Mycoplant stimulated the germination of wheat seeds: the wheat plants sprouted earlier and moved through the consequent stages of development earlier than in control. However, an opposite effect took place on the germination of tomato seeds. The treatment with Mycoplant caused an overall tendency to increase of morphometric parameters in wheat isogenic lines Vrn-A1a and Vrn-D1a at different stages of plant growth and development; that correlated with the formation of surface mycorrhiza on the roots. The positive effect of artificial mycorrhization on the photosynthesis was established only for the isogenic line Vrn-D1a, and only at the stage of grain filling. In tomatoes the formation of arbuscular mycorrhiza due to Mycoplant treatment was observed, but no positive effect on the morphometric parameters or chlorophyll concentration in leaves was detected. The maximum frequency of occurrence of mycorrhiza was found in tomatoes of the Kremenchugskii rannijy variety, and the maximum intensity of mycorrhizal formation was found in experimental series of the late-ripening Ace variety.</p>2024-12-23T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c)