Heritability evaluation of fear emotional states among people of Ukraine

  • О. В. Філіпцова
Keywords: genetic analysis; parent-offspring; siblings; heritability; fears emotional states; assortative mating; population of Ukraine


Genetic analysis of fears was performed on the Ukraine population sample for the first time. As a result of the research of Ukraine population sample correlation coefficients of fears emotional states were obtained (correlation coefficients ρ were in the range 0,18–0,77). In majority of cases correlation coefficients were higher in sibling pairs comparatively with «parent-offspring» pairs. For three fears (psychiatric disorders development, disease of relatives and suicide commitment) there is a positive assortative mating in the population (correlation coefficients ρ were in the range 0,35–0,43), that made essential to modify correlation coefficients between relatives for a genetic analysis purpose. Heritability coefficients of nine fears were in the range 26–48 %, among them the lowest heritability coefficient was related to a fear of suicide commitment and the highest one for a fear of aggressive behavior possibility to the relatives.


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How to Cite
Філіпцова, О. В. (2013). Heritability evaluation of fear emotional states among people of Ukraine. The Journal of V.N.Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series «Biology», 18(1079), 99-106. Retrieved from https://periodicals.karazin.ua/biology/article/view/13743