Analysis of methodological problems in research on the genetics of behavior in Ukraine

  • О. В. Філіпцова
Keywords: behavioral genetics; sex; age; sample size; relatives; behavior traits tests; population of Ukraine


The analysis of the problems associated with the peculiarities of the formation and work with a population sample in research in the field of human behavior genetics in Ukraine was done. In the absence of the material promotion psychogenealogical information collection efficiency is 23% of all individuals involved during the trial. Collection efficiency of psychometric material is 15–84 % of the total content of the tests used. Higher collection efficiency of the material was observed in females (67%) compared to males (33%). Collection efficiency for the genetic analysis in the related pairs was quantitatively organized in a following way: "mother–daughter" > "mother–son"> "father–daughter" > "father–son".


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How to Cite
Філіпцова, О. В. (2014). Analysis of methodological problems in research on the genetics of behavior in Ukraine. The Journal of V.N.Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series «Biology», 22(1126), 67-72. Retrieved from