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Author Guidelines

  1. Terms of publication 
  2. Prepared articles should be sent to e-mail
  3. The article must be accompanied by an external review by any employee of any medical organization with a scientific degree, which is not the author/co-author of the article, expert inference directive from the author’s institution.
  4. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
  5. Directing the article to the Journal of "Actual problems of modern medicine" author automatically agrees to place their materials in scientometric databases and on the web-sites of university.
  6. If the work is done within the framework of scientific research, you should specify the topic and number of state registration.
  7. Commonly used and generally accepted terms should be given in the form of abbreviations (acronyms should be described at the first mention).
  8. The volume of the manuscript, including the list of literature, tables, illustrations, abstracts, and captions, should be as follows:

    For an original article - 10 pages of A4 format.
    For a literature review - 20 pages.
    For practice observation reports - 8 pages.
    The following conditions should be observed for the document:

    Format: primarily doc or docx, with the possibility of using rtf.
    Font: Times New Roman.
    Font size: 14.
    Line spacing: 1.5.
    Margins: 2.5 cm on all sides.
    Text alignment: justified.

  9. Tables should be obvious, have a name represented above table, column headings should be connected with content, information displayed in the table should not be repeated in the text. If there is more than one table, they should be numbered.
  10. Illustrations should be presented in the text in formats: JPG, TIF, GIF, BMP, the author is responsible for the quality of the drawings.
  11. The article must be thoroughly edited and reviewed by the author/authors.
  12. All materials submitted for publication are subject to mandatory peer review. The journal utilizes a blind (anonymous) peer review process, and the number of reviewers is determined by the editorial board based on the subject matter of the work. If, after reevaluation, the author/authors fail to make the necessary corrections according to the reviewers' comments, the article will be rejected for further consideration and publication.
  13. If the studies have been conducted on animals and humans should be submitted written application, signed by the author, confirming that performed work is not contrary to international and national regulations.
  14. Authors are responsible for the scientific and literary editing of submitted material, quotations, but the editors reserve the right to edit your own articles or denying the author in the publication if the material does not match with above requirements.
  15. Manuscripts that do not match to these standards will be returned for revision.
  16. Articles are accepted throughout the year in line mode.



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