Factors of Self-Realization and Life Success of an Individuals in Modern Society (Case of Public Opinion Leaders)

Keywords: self-realization, life success, factors of self-realization and life success, public opinion leaders, phenomenology, democracy, sustainable development


Using the example of world-famous personalities, the article identifies factors that contribute to self-realization and achievement of success in life by a modern person. Based on the phenomenological paradigm, the author turns to the analysis of public speeches of prominent personalities of modern democratic society. Among them are such famous politicians as Barack Obama and Justin Trudeau, such famous businessmen as Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and Steve Jobs, representatives of literature, film industry, music, etc., such as JK Rowling, Oprah Winfrey, Natalie Portman, Steven Spielberg, Meryl Streep and Taylor Swift. Particular attention is paid to their meetings with students and the teaching community of US universities. It is emphasized that the significance of these meetings is determined by the fact that it is student youth (at least a significant part of them) that in the near future should become the intellectual elite of society, take positions of public opinion leaders who have a significant influence on public consciousness, on the development of society in all sphere’s life activity. It is noted that in their speeches to student audiences, public opinion leaders not only in the United States, but also throughout the democratic world, emphasized such factors for achieving life success and self-realization as systematic hard work, competitive education, innovative thinking style, ability to work in a team, leadership qualities, self-criticism, lack of fear of failure, achievement motivation, clear internal moral principles. The speeches of the presented political figures, entrepreneurs, and representatives of creative professions emphasized that achieving success in life and personal self-realization closely correlates with the sustainable development of society as a whole, the spread of democracy, the creation of a solidary society, and the absence of various forms of social discrimination. Directions for further research on the issues chosen by the author are determined, in particular: studying the experience of self-realization and achieving life success of famous domestic figures in the field of politics, economics, law, art, etc.


Author Biography

Vadym Nikolenko, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, 72, Scientific Ave., Dnipro, 49010, Ukraine

Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Sociology


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How to Cite
Nikolenko, V. (2022). Factors of Self-Realization and Life Success of an Individuals in Modern Society (Case of Public Opinion Leaders). Ukrainian Sociological Journal, (28). https://doi.org/10.26565/2077-5105-2022-28-06