Ukrainian Sociological Journal <p style="font-weight: 400;">The journal is the official scientific and informational&nbsp;edition&nbsp;of the Sociological Association of Ukraine.</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">The Ukrainian Sociological Journal publishes the&nbsp;original research articles in all fields of sociology, based on&nbsp;profound theoretical and empirical studies of contemporary Ukrainian society, made by the&nbsp;flagship&nbsp;Ukrainian and foreign scientists.</p> <p>A special attention is given to presentation of young researchers' findings and the scientific life of the regional branches of the Sociological Association of Ukraine.</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">&nbsp;The Ukrainian Sociological Journal&nbsp;is a specialized edition in sociology (Order of the Ministry of education and science of Ukraine from 02.07.2020, No. 886)</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">The journal is a professional (specialized) edition in the sphere of sociological sciences.</p> V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University en-US Ukrainian Sociological Journal 2077-5105 Problems of Transformation of Political Institutions After the War <p><em>The purpose of this article is to examine potential trends in the development of the political system of Ukraine after the end of the Russia-Ukraine war. Social changes always take place taking into account both subjective and objective circumstances. Currently the Ukrainian state relies on three pillars for further transformation of political institutions: 1) the Ukrainian value-mental tradition, 2) our own experience of democratic development in recent decades, 3) the political will to embrace European values. The latter means that Ukraine voluntarily undertook the obligation to meet the Copenhagen criteria, including to demonstrate the stability of institutions guaranteeing democracy, rule of law, human rights and protection of minorities. In the political circles of Ukraine, there is a "plan to restart the state", which boils down to structural changes in the system of public administration. Ukraine needs qualitative changes in the system of political relations, it is necessary to eliminate the contradiction between the form and content of political institutions. Archaic practices, nepotism, eastern methods of holding power by suppressing the opposition, corruption in the state apparatus and purely criminal practices are hidden behind the modern facade. War not only destroys, but also gives impulses for development through the mobilization of the nation's forces. We have a chance to restart political institutions and consolidate new structures born of war. We must pay attention to the institution of national resistance, which, through the movement of territorial defense and the volunteer movement, led to a situation of social filtering. As a result, strata of people crystallized, for whom the public good is higher than selfish interests. It is important not to lose the energy of the masses after the war and to use the patriotic movement to build political institutions.</em></p> Ihor Rushchenko Copyright (c) 2022 Ukrainian Sociological Journal 2022-06-29 2022-06-29 27 6 14 10.26565/2077-5105-2022-27-01 From Decentralized Finance to Decentralized Politics: How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations are Transforming Social Institutions <p><em>The article is devoted to the issue of studying the possibility of developing political decentralized networks based on or following the example of decentralized autonomous organizations (DAO), which are becoming increasingly common in the digital space. Their potential impact on the social institutions of society, including the system of state power, is analyzed. The article traces how the technological embodiment of antimonopoly and anti-state ideologies that have been actively developed in cyberspace can lead to a change in the very foundations of social institutions due to the absence of the need for a "third party" to guarantee the implementation of contracts and building responsible social relations.</em></p> <p><em>The development of cyberspace is viewed through the prism of clashes of state interests seeking to establish control over the system of digital interactions, and multiple interest groups developing technological capabilities for autonomizing action by building protection based on cryptography. If not loosening, then breaking holes in the financial systems of states is an indicator of the success of decentralized finance projects, which means it stimulates the further development of DAOs and their possible transformation into decentralized political networks. The article also analyses the components of the new discipline Cryptonomics or Cryptoeconomics, showing serious scientific and methodological foundations for the development of DAO, which indicates in favor of the possibility of considering them as experimental platforms for the development of more global projects.</em></p> <p>The article considers the special nature of the management of decentralized autonomous organizations based on financial incentives. A forecast is made regarding the next stage of confrontation between state structures and decentralized platforms. Conclusions are also drawn about the importance of the DAO for the development of the information society and the role of the intellectual elite in this confrontation.</p> Tatyana Dublikash Copyright (c) 2022 Ukrainian Sociological Journal 2022-06-29 2022-06-29 27 15 22 10.26565/2077-5105-2022-27-02 Mikhail Dragomanov on Consequences of Violating the Principle of Separation of Church and State <p><em>The article considers the problems of relations between the Church and the state in the classical sociological theory of M. Drahomanov and modern sociology. In the Western sociology of religion, considerable attention is paid to distinguishing the contexts of state and Сhurch practices, which can be compatible or incompatible with democracy. Compatible with democracy is a form of interaction between Church and state that ensures the protection of religious freedom and religious self-expression of all religious organizations and excludes discrimination based on religion. The negative consequences of the violation of the «principle of separation of Church from the State» described in the works of M. Drahomanov are analyzed. The socio-cultural effects of state intervention in the affairs of the </em><em>C</em><em>hurch at the level of society are investigated: violation of the principle of freedom of conscience, religious repression, forced unification of religions, and migration of believers as a result of repression by the state. It is emphasized that the violation of the principle of freedom of conscience contributes to the formation of an imposed and inauthentic identity of the individual, the growth of religious conformity, and the strengthening of «categorical inequality» in society. The social consequences of religious discrimination are analyzed: the growth of mass tension and frustration in society, the conflict between different </em><em>C</em><em>hurch communities, and the weakening of the effect of cohesion. The negative consequences of the violation of the «principle of separation of </em><em>C</em><em>hurch from the state» for the state </em><em>C</em><em>hurch are demonstrated: weakening of influence in society, rejection of the intellectuals, and latent atheism of the population. It is emphasized that to neutralize these negative effects, it is necessary to observe the constitutional principle of separation of the Church from the state. It was concluded that the separation of </em><em>C</em><em>hurch from state should contribute to the establishment of interreligious tolerance and understanding in society.</em></p> Ekatetina Bataeva Copyright (c) 2022 Ukrainian Sociological Journal 2022-06-29 2022-06-29 27 23 32 10.26565/2077-5105-2022-27-03 Education as a commodity? (a sketch of sociological expertise) <p><em>The article reveals the problematic aspects of the transformation processes of education into a commodity. Education is understood as a social practice and as a social institution. Carrying out a systematic analysis of these processes, the author demonstrates both systemic social, societal threats and (often underestimated) "pitfalls" generated by these processes, as well as possible limitations and even limits of their actualization and deployment. This analysis and demonstration is carried out in the technique of theoretical sociological expertise. The problem of sociology's partial disregard for the commodification of education and the probable prospects and problems arising from this are analyzed. It is emphasized that the uncritical perception of the processes of commodification of education by sociology, especially on the periphery of global neoliberal capitalism, is in itself a threat to education, in particular in the form of a change in the very nature of education as a phenomenon, its evolution from a phenomenon, first of all, a sociocultural phenomenon into a phenomenon primarily economic. Various arguments are given and analyzed in relation to the processes of commodification of education, each of which is named in the article by the name of a sociologist whose analysis is closest to the argument put forward. “Five big” arguments and “seven small” ones are formulated. In their presentation the “dark sides” of the processes of commodification and neoliberalization of education are analyzed in detail. Attention is focused on the analysis of how education is involved in interaction with other social institutions and phenomena, as well as on what effects and post-effects can be generated as a result of education commodification processes. It is emphasized that in this context, the most important plot is the connection between education as a phenomenon and freedom as a social construct – at the micro level, as well as with the social order – at the macro level. A number of conclusions are formulated about such a property of education as autonomy, about its socio-cultural characteristics and about the threats of the market.</em></p> Alexander Golikov Copyright (c) 2022 Ukrainian Sociological Journal 2022-06-29 2022-06-29 27 33 43 10.26565/2077-5105-2022-27-04 Polyamory: definition, forms, motives for engaging <p><em>The article examines the issue of polyamory in sociological and psychological discourse. It is emphasized that the phenomenon of polyamory is one of the consequences of the transformation of marital and family relations in the 20th century. It is noted that the relevance of the article is related to the revitalization of the discussion of polyamory both at the level of everyday discourse and among foreign scientists; discussions around polyamory as an alternative to monogamy in translated publications on sexological education for teenagers. Polyamory is considered by the author as one of the forms of consensual non-monogamy, that is, such relationships and sexual practices when people have more than one sexual/romantic partner with the mutual informed consent of all participants. The differences of such forms of consensual non-monogamy as polyamory and open relationships, "swing", "relationship anarchy" are discussed. It is noted that, in addition to the informed consent of all participants, polyamory is characterized by a characteristic focus on building long-term romantic relationships. The author considers the forms of polyamory according to K. Labriola: the primary/secondary model and multiple primary partners model. The study of the motives for engaging in polyamory by Slovak authors Hnatkovičová D., Bianchi G. is analyzed in detail. Motives for engaging in polyamory are discussed, such as meeting needs that were not met in monogamous relationships, personal growth and maintaining autonomy, identity development, expression of political values, exploration of LGBTIQ+ identities, desire for sexual diversity, need to belong to a community, and psychodynamic reasons. A conclusion is made about the need for further research on this issue, taking into account the liberalization of sexual morality and the further probable spread of polyamory practices in Western Europe and the USA.</em></p> Oleksandr Zubariev Copyright (c) 2022 Ukrainian Sociological Journal 2022-06-29 2022-06-29 27 44 56 10.26565/2077-5105-2022-27-05 Social Sciences in Modern Poland: Sociological Analysis of Knowledge Production. Review of the book Polish social sciences in the context of power relations and international dependencies <p>Review of the book "Polish social sciences in the context of power relations and international dependencies" / scientific editor Tomasz Zarycki</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Illya Kononov Copyright (c) 2022 Ukrainian Sociological Journal 2023-10-18 2023-10-18 27 57 64