Church as an agent of religious socialization

  • Valentyna Liubchuk Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, 9, Potapov Street, Lutsk, 43025, Ukraine,
Keywords: socialization, agent of socialization, church, cultic practices, out-cultic practices


The Church peculiarities as an agent of religious socialization is analyzed in article. In 2013 the author conducted a qualitative study of young parishioners of Christian churches. It is revealed which mechanisms are used by the Church to spread religious values in Ukrainian society. It is ascertained that the church involves parishioners to active church life through mediation of both cultic and out-cultic practices. For the assimilation of religious norms and values, the Church introduces such directions of out-cultic practices which are relevant and interesting for young people. Protestants are the most active in the implementation of out-cultic practices is emphasized. The role of family and family values in the assimilation of young people in religious norms, in her attitude toward the Church, and in her trust in her, is mentioned. Taking into account the results of a quantitative sociological research conducted in 2017 by the Razumkov Center, a high level of trust in the Church as a social institution has been recorded, especially in the West of Ukraine. Church actively participates in solving actual social problems, in particular, it is carrying out measures aimed at assisting various categories of the population, including for forced migrants and families of ATO soldiers is noted. The most positive activity of the Church in this direction is estimated in the West of Ukraine, least in the East and South of our country.


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Author Biography

Valentyna Liubchuk, Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, 9, Potapov Street, Lutsk, 43025, Ukraine,

PhD in Sociology, Senior Teacher, Department of General and Social Psychology and Sociology


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How to Cite
Liubchuk, V. (2018). Church as an agent of religious socialization. Ukrainian Sociological Journal, 17(1-2), 236-240. Retrieved from