Social professional career of the graduates of the Uman’ National University of Horticulture: achievements on the boundary of the epochs

  • Anatolij Shatokhin Uman National University of Horticulture, 1 st. Instytutska Uman 20305, Ukraine
  • Marina Vuychenko Crimean University For The Humanities, 2-а Str. Sevastopolska, Yalta, 98635, Crimea, Ukraine
Keywords: higher education, social career, achievement of personality


The results of the sociological monitoring of the social-professional career of the graduates of the Uman' national university of horticulture of 1950-2010 are represented. It is established that there are significant differences in professional career of the graduates of the university of 1950-1990 (“Soviet period”) and 1991-2010 (“the period of independence”). They consist mainly of the fact that the graduates “Soviet period” reached the greatest successes in the sphere of agriculture, but the graduates “of the period of independence” in other spheres, not connected with the obtained at the university specialty. In this case the influence on the social-professional career of the graduates of the knowledge, obtained in the occupations on special disciplines, noticeably decreased and the influence of other factors, especially personal initiative and enterprise increased. As a whole the graduates highly evaluate the level of their professional preparation in comparison with other educational institutions.


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Author Biographies

Anatolij Shatokhin, Uman National University of Horticulture, 1 st. Instytutska Uman 20305, Ukraine

Doctor of Sociology, Professor, Head of the Department of Social, Humanitarian and Legal Disciplines,

Marina Vuychenko, Crimean University For The Humanities, 2-а Str. Sevastopolska, Yalta, 98635, Crimea, Ukraine

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Management,


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How to Cite
Shatokhin, A., & Vuychenko, M. (2017). Social professional career of the graduates of the Uman’ National University of Horticulture: achievements on the boundary of the epochs. Ukrainian Sociological Journal, (1-2), 79-84. Retrieved from