Post-military transit of the identity of ATO/OOS participants: factor conditioning

Keywords: participants of Anti-terrorist operation / United forces operation, military identity, post-military transit, habitualization of everyday life


The article considers the process of military-to-civilian transit of the identity of Ukrainian participants in hostilities in the area of anti-terrorist operation/ united forces operation. Emphasis is placed on the peculiarities of transit and the factors influencing its karakter, given the analytical categories of phenomenological constructivism of P. Berger and T. Lukman, as well as the theory of A. Schutz. Particular attention is paid to the sociological conceptualization of the phenomenon of military identity of ATO / UFO participants. The content of the concepts “post-military identity transit” and “military identity” and the ratio of the respective phenomena are analyzed. Based on the analysis and rethinking of the ideas of A. Schutz, P. Berger and T. Lukman, as well as the identification of key factors and actors influencing the post-military identity transit of ATO / OOS participants, the phenomena of military identity and military-to-civilian transit of identity are conceptualized. It is emphasized that the military identity is constructed in the process of communication between the participants of the interaction. It is noted that specific practices acquired as a result of participation in hostilities appear in the life of the ATO / OOS participant as hidden knowledge that is reproduced outside the military environment and becomes an effective way of constructing reality. Such groups of ATO / OOS participants as citizens who have chosen military service as a profession have been singled out; mobilized to the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) or the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) (6 waves of mobilization during 2014-2015); as well as volunteers who participated in battalions and other armed formations that are not part of the active army of Ukraine. The thesis is that military-to-civilian transit of the identity of the representatives of these groups will differ due to different experience of recruitment to the Armed Forces or other armed formations of Ukraine, differences in the conditions of stay in the combat area and so on. The key factors influencing the post-military transit of the identity of combatants, constructing and reconstructing the military identity, namely: contrast of everyday life in the war zone and everyday life of peace, return to comfort, superior attitude of ATO / OOS participants to civilians, orientations, differences in perceptions of conflict, family and military fraternity. It is emphasized that the theoretical provisions, generalizations and conclusions presented in the paper, as well as the author's hypotheses can be used in further scientific and practical studies of this and related topics, as well as for developing state programs of social integration of combatants into peaceful life.


Author Biography

Polina Romanenko, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Svobody Sq. 4, Kharkiv, 61022, Ukraine

PhD student, School of Sociology




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How to Cite
Romanenko, P. (2021). Post-military transit of the identity of ATO/OOS participants: factor conditioning. Ukrainian Sociological Journal, (26), 75-83.