The massive open online courses: social implications, threats, opportunities

  • Alina Kalashnikova V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, 4 Svobody sq., Kharkiv 61022, Ukraine,
Keywords: massive open online courses (MOOCs), e-learning, higher education, human capital, inequality


In the present paper the phenomenon of the massive open online courses (MOOCs) becoming an element of modern education is analyzed. MOOCs are analyzed as indicator of the centralization process in science and education. The consequences of MOOCs using as the type of e-learning are regarded, as well as risks and problems arising from the main differences between them and traditional education. In particular, the e-learning’s speed of response to the innovation emergence, informality and non-spatiality of MOOCs are considered as factors distancing the traditional education from them. The role of the corporal commonpresence is regarded as determinative not for only students` cultural capital construction, but also in self-construction practices adoption, that is necessary for its further growth. Thereby, the online courses, which release the information inequality, serve for the reproduction of traditional social inequalities. It is stated that in spite of the accessibility and openness of such courses their creation are to be considered as an attempt to keep the priority position in the global educational and scientific field through the manipulation of the nature and quality of human capital reproduction.


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Author Biography

Alina Kalashnikova, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, 4 Svobody sq., Kharkiv 61022, Ukraine,

Candidate in Sociological Sciences, BA in Art Critics, the senior lecturer at the Applied Sociology and Social Communications Chair of Sociological Department


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How to Cite
Kalashnikova, A. (2018). The massive open online courses: social implications, threats, opportunities. Ukrainian Sociological Journal, 17(1-2), 177-183. Retrieved from