Education as a key trend of active longevity

  • Yelisaveta Podolska Kharkov University of Humanities “People's Ukrainian Academy”, 27, Lermontovska str., Kharkiv 61024, Ukraine
  • Tetyana Podolska V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, 4 Svobody sq. , Kharkiv 61022, Ukraine
Keywords: аctive longevity, the educational needs of older people, the social activity of «third-age» people, the subject-subject approach in implementing the strategy of active aging, the ways of older people’s including in the educational process


The article is devoted to the new model of old age. It is described a positive change in older generation’s quality. The possibility of individual and personal development of an elderly person is justified. The abroad experience of education of elderly people is described. Also the spectrums of leisure-time activities, giving them a sense of relevance and involvement in society, are defined. The factors of increasing the social activity of pensioners are revealed, the possibilities of satisfying their educational needs with the use of various forms of supporting and developing intellectual abilities and the formation of communicative competencies are considered. The productive forms of including older people in the educational process are described. The direction of the education system for the elderly is substantiated for the realization of their social subjectness. The ways of reformatting the work with people of the «third age» are outlined. The latter demand the introduction of the subject-subject approach in the implementation of the active aging strategy. The main directions of increasing the social status of the elderly are identified.


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Author Biographies

Yelisaveta Podolska, Kharkov University of Humanities “People's Ukrainian Academy”, 27, Lermontovska str., Kharkiv 61024, Ukraine

Doctor of Sociology, Full Professor, Head of Philosophy Department,

Tetyana Podolska, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, 4 Svobody sq. , Kharkiv 61022, Ukraine

PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor of Theoretical and Practical Philosophy Department,


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How to Cite
Podolska, Y., & Podolska, T. (2018). Education as a key trend of active longevity. Ukrainian Sociological Journal, 17(1-2), 155-160. Retrieved from