Acciological Measures of Bureaukratism: Theoretical-Methodological Aspect Application of the Systemic Method in the Study of the Civic Organizations Development

Keywords: : bureaucracy, bureaucracy, autopoiesis, pattern, social action, actor, conservative, instrumental, conscientious and self-serving bureaucracy


The phenomenon of bureaucracy through the prism of axiological origins has been explored the feasibility of dividing in terms of content such concepts as “bureaucracy” and “bureaucracy” has
been proved, and the assumption is made that in bureaucracy bureaucracy acts only as one of the possible variants of role-playing situations of an actor's behavior. Manifestations of bureaucracy are
observed in any system of public administration, even those who have found their distribution in the most developed countries of the world. The phenomenon of bureaucracy is considered through
the prism of the theory of social action T. Parsons. Consequently, the actor can act on the model of rational bureaucracy, namely, his social activity is based on the belief in the sanctity of tradition
and the authority of the rules, which ensures strict adherence to formal procedures and regulations preventing the personal “appropriation” of the place of service. In another way, his social action can
be described as a model of an authoritarian bureaucracy, to be subjected to strict of cial control, which requires the written  xation of proposals and decisions, resolutions and orders, in this case
the actor perceives his service as a single or at least the main profession. The reverse role situation or model is bureaucracy; this situation arises in a peculiar combination of consommutative and
internal reference points. In such a situation, we insist that such an asymmetry is possible in the conditions of the domination of two triggers – an associatively irrational form of behavior or a desire
for personal gain. Therefore, we share bureaucracy on a conscientious and malicious, the  rst is characterized by an asocially irrational form of management activity, based on knowingly unlawful
impediment to the realization of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens or organizations, the second – the conscious pursuit of excessive formalization of procedures and rules for personal
gain. It has been demonstrated that the theory of rational bureaucracy by M. Weber, which was the basis of the traditional model of public administration (Old Public Management), is re ected
in the following models only by modifying certain patterns and under the appropriate position of instrumental, consommatory, internal and external factors, the situation of bureaucracy  nds his


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Author Biographies

Andriy Kuznetsov , KRI NAPA, Kharkiv

PhD in Public Administration, Аssociate Professor, Head for Coordination

of Scientific Work and Doctoral Studies of the Department, KRI NAPA, Kharkiv

Nataliya Grabar, KRI NAPA, Kharkiv

Leading specialist for Coordination of Scientific Work and Doctoral Studies of the Department, KRI NAPA, Kharkiv


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How to Cite
Kuznetsov , A., & Grabar, N. (2019). Acciological Measures of Bureaukratism: Theoretical-Methodological Aspect Application of the Systemic Method in the Study of the Civic Organizations Development. Theory and Practice of Public Administration, 1(64), 50-62.
The Development of Public Administration System in Ukraine