Requirements for the article

To ensure fast and high-quality processing of articles submitted for consideration, they must meet the requirements specified below:

  • scientific style of presentation (accuracy, logic, brevity of judgments, comprehensibility, connectedness of structural and logical blocks, integrity, completeness) of the material.
  • the article must meet the journal's scientific priorities;
  • the article should take into account the leading modern publications on the relevant issues;
  • the volume of the main text of the article (without taking into account the annotation, information about the authors, bibliography and other metadata) should be no less than 25 and no more than 40 thousand characters (with spaces);
  • the article must be relevant, have clear elements of novelty and/or practical usefulness, reflect the formulation of the task (problem), review and critical analysis of the experience of study or public regulation on the chosen topic, contain research approaches and tools, describe research results and conclusions, meet technical requirements;
  • the share of direct borrowings/citations should be no more than 10% of the main text of the article, provided that the quotations are made in accordance with generally accepted rules. All texts are checked by special anti-plagiarism systems;
  • the reference list should contain at least 20 sources. At least 90% of all cited sources should be references to original Ukrainian and foreign (except publications from the aggressor country!) scientific articles and expert reports. The list of references does not include: newspaper notes without indicating the author, links to websites without indicating the specific material (references to such sources are given in footnotes).

 Articles that do not meet these requirements will not be considered.

The Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education" does not allow the use of data that was presented in protected dissertation studies, as well as previously published articles.

The details and conditions of "Charitable publication: international standards for authors", which are adopted by Karazin University and which are managed by our editorial office, can be accessed via the link.


Each article should contain the following main parts: abstract, keywords, introduction, literature review, purpose of the article, research methodology, main research results, conclusions from this research and prospects for further research, list of used sources.

The abstract briefly states the research questions and hypotheses, data, main methods and results of the study, structured as an article (not less than 1800 characters). After the abstract, the author should specify no more than seven keywords.

 Text of the article:

  • Format – A4, margins – 2 cm on all sides, paragraph – 1.25 cm, line spacing – 1.5 (for tables and figures 1.0 line spacing), font – Times New Roman, font size of the main text of the article – 14 , graphs and tables are placed directly in the text - 12-14 pins;
  • Text alignment - widthwise. Orientation is book-based;
  • Materials saved and prepared in Microsoft Word or RTF format (*.doc or *.rtf);
  • Translation of the text by means of online services without subsequent proofreading and processing of the translation is unacceptable;
  • Formulas and calculations, equations and other mathematical calculations given to justify and confirm the research results should be included in the text of the article using Microsoft Equation;
  • Graphs, formulas, tables must be numbered with Arabic numerals consecutively for each type of informative material with appropriate references to them in the text, for example (Fig. 2), formula (1), (Table 5);
  • Names of tables and figures must be duplicated in English;
  • Literature published in the last five years must be included in the List of used sources. There must be references to foreign sources (at least 20% of the total number of references). The list of used sources must contain at least 20 references. The author(s) of the article may make references to their own works, but within the limits of up to 10% (for all authors) of the total volume of references;
  • If the manuscript of the article is prepared by several authors, it is necessary to indicate the corresponding author for prompt communication with the editors in case of questions.


The list of used sources is given in a structured form after the heading List of used sources (center alignment, bold). Each item in the bibliography should have a corresponding reference in the text (...[2, p.5]...). The list of references should contain only published articles. Sources in the bibliography are presented in alphabetical and chronological order (starting with the earliest publication of each author). The use of a DOI is mandatory for those online publications to which this identifier is assigned.

 Sample design of the article

UDC 35.071.2

Petrenko Ivan Vasyliovych, graduate student of the Department of Economic Policy and Management of the Institute of Public Administration of the KhNU named after V.N. Karazina, Kharkiv
ADDRESS with index (Svobody Square, 4, Kharkiv, 61022, Ukraine)
ORCID identifier (
Contact phone +38 ____, e-mail ____


Abstract (Ukrainian) (not less than 1800 characters (without spaces), reveal the main content and results, structured as an article).

Keywords: 5-7 words.

 Introduction (statement of the problem in a general form and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks).

Review of the literature (listing the latest research and publications in which the solution of this problem was initiated and on which the author relies, selection of previously unsolved parts of the general problem, to which the article is devoted; up to 2 pages) ... ... ... ....

The purpose of the article (formulation of one clear goal of the article and, if necessary, 2-3 search tasks to achieve this goal) … … … …..

Research methodology (a brief presentation of the key or author’s applied methodology or applied research approach, as well as a brief overview of the general and special research methods used, which helped to fulfill 2-3 research tasks and generally achieve the main goal of the article; information about the organization of the research may also be indicated (total – up to 1 page) … …..

The main results of the research (explanation of the main material of the research with a full justification of the obtained scientific results; together - not less than 80% of the total volume of the article without taking into account the literature and annotations) ... ... ... ....

Conclusions from this research and prospects for further research (the most important and concise results of the research, which contain novelty or have practical significance; are presented concisely in the form of a synthesis of the scientific information accumulated in the main part of the article. It is desirable to number the conclusions) ... ... ... ....

List of used sources (at least 20 references; submitted in alphabetical order, first the sources whose original was published in Cyrillic, and then in Latin) … … … …..

The list of used sources is drawn up in accordance with the National Standard of Ukraine DSTU 8302:2015 "Information and documentation. Bibliographic reference. General provisions and drafting rules" with official corrections in 2017.


Examples of design of used sources: in accordance with National of the Ukrainian standard DSTU 8302:2015:

- "Akademperiodika" Department of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Kyiv, 2016. URL:;

- in the table below.


Table – Bibliographic descriptions of used sources


Example of design

Books: One author

Bytyak Yu. P. State service in Ukraine: organizational and legal foundations: monograph. Kharkiv: Pravo, 2005. 304 p.

Two authors

Petryshyn M. O., Petryshyn O. A. International legal standards in the sphere of local self-government: science. add. / National Acad. rights of Sciences of Ukraine, State Research Institute building and premises municipality. Kharkiv: Pravo, 2016. 44 p. (Series "Scientific reports").

Three authors

Kuts Yu. O., Krasnopyorova S. V., Chaplygin O. K. Quality management services: a monograph. Kharkiv: Publishing House of KhaRI NADU "Master", 2006. 192 p.

Four authors

Public management in ensuring sustainable (balanced) development: academic. manual / T. K. Grechko and others. Kherson: Grin D. S., 2015. 264 p.

Five or more authors

Administrative reform for a person (scientific and practical essay) / I. B. Koliushko et al. Kyiv: Fakt, 2001. 72 p.

Without the author

Ukraine in numbers. 2007: Stat. coll. / Govt. com. statistics of Ukraine. Kyiv: Consultant, 2008. P. 185–191.

Multi-volume document

Encyclopedia of public administration: in 8 volumes / scientific editor. board: Yu. V. Kovbasiuk (chairman) and others. Kyiv: NADU, 2011. Vol. 5. 408 p.

Edited by / compiler(s)

Regional administration: textbook / by General. ed. Yu. V. Kovbasyuk, V. M. Vakulenko, M. K. Orlatogo. Kyiv: NADU, 2014. 512 p.

Author and translator

Wright G. State administration / translated from English. V. Ivashko and others. Kyiv: Osnovy, 1994. 191 p.

Part of the publication

Chapter of the book

Predborsky V. Humanistic essence of the leading theoretical directions of modern political science. Philosophical searches / V. Predborskyi. Khmelnytskyi: Center of Europe Publishing House, 2001. 110 p.

Abstracts of reports, materials of conferences

S. V. Gazaryan Bureaucratization or creativity: what to prepare a civil servant for? Public administration of the 21st century: synthesis of theory and practice: coll. theses of the 19th International of science Congress, April 19 2019. Kharkiv: Publishing House of KhaRI NADU "Master", 2019. P. 20–23.

Articles from continuing and periodical publications

Axeological principles of public administration / E. I. Khodakivskyi et al. Bulletin of ZhNAEU. 2017. No. 1, vol. 2. pp. 45–58.

Electronic resources


Ivanyuta S. M. Anti-crisis management: teaching. manual Kyiv: Center for Educational Literature, 2007. 288 p. URL: http:// (date of access: 17.05.2022).

Feminism. Encyclopædia Britannica online. URL: (Last accessed: 18.05.2022).


Gazaryan S. V. New high-quality professional training in the field of public administration. State construction. 2018. No. 2. URL: (access date: 05.17.2022).

Pages from the websites

Association of Communities. Decentralization of Power : Website. URL: (access date: 05.17.2022).

Legislative and normative documents (instructions, orders)

On prevention of corruption: Law of Ukraine dated 14.10.2014 No. 1700-VII. Date of update: 12.03.2017. URL: (access date: 03.17.2022).


DSTU ISO 9001: 2001. Quality management systems. [Effective from 2001-06-27]. Kyiv, 2001. 24 p. (Information and documentation).

Dissertations, abstracts of theses

Gazaryan S. V. Professionalization of service in local self-government bodies: content, forms and methods: dissertation. ... doctor of sciences from the state example : 25.00.03 / Kyiv. National Acad. state example under the President of Ukraine. Kyiv, 2011. 469 p.

Gazaryan S. V. Professionalization of service in local self-government bodies: content, forms and methods: autoref. thesis for obtaining sciences. degree of doctor of sciences from state. example : 25.00.03. Kyiv, 2011. 39 p.


References (translated in English).

Author(s) (transliteration), year in parentheses, English title, source name (transliteration), source data with English designations (place of publication), or digital only (the latter depending on the description standard used), publisher in transliteration option, the original language in square brackets ([in Ukrainian], [in English] or [in German]).

One author

Laiko, O.I. (2014). Transformation processes in Ukrainian Economies Investment System. Odesa: IMPEER [in Ukrainian].

Two authors

Laiko, O.I. (2014). Transformation processes in Ukrainian Economies Investment System. Odesa: IMPEER [in Ukrainian].

From three to seven authors (subsequent authors are indicated by "et al.")

Reshetilo, V.P., Stadnik, G.V., & Ostrovskiy, I.A. (2013). Institutional factors of sustainable development of regional socio-economic systems. KHARKIV: KhNAMH [in Ukrainian].

Multivolume edition

Paiko, O.O., & Kysiuk, I.P. (Ed.). (2001). Strategy of development of the machine-building industry of Ukraine. (Vols. 1-4). Donetsk: Yuho-Vostok [in Ukrainian].

A separate volume of the series

Paiko, O.O., & Kysiuk, V.M. (Ed.). (2001). Strategy of development of the machine-building industry of Ukraine. (Volume 2). Donetsk: Papirus [in Ukrainian].

A part (chapter) of a book

Martiienko, A.I. (2011). The theoretical basis of property relations on natural resources. In I.P. Kysiuk, (Ed.), Estimates and forecasts qualities of land (pp. 132144). Kyiv: Universytetska knyha [in Ukrainian].

Author and editor

Kosenko, I.S., Opalko, A.I. (2008). Applied Economics. I.S. Kosenko (Ed.). Kyiv: Dumka [in Ukrainian].

Editor (without author) editor – (Ed.), editors – (Eds.)

Kondarenko, H.B., Ikovenko, K.O. (Eds.). (2011). Methods of conducting experiments in economics. (3rd ed., rev.). Kharkiv: Osnova [in Ukrainian].

Author and translator

Martiienko, A.I. (2011). The theoretical basis of property relations. (V.N. Peregudova, Trans.). Kyiv: Osnova [in Ukrainian].

Article in the magazine

Monastyrskyj, H.L. (2009). Management's modernization paradigm of economic development of local communities base line. Strategic priorities, 5 (8), 10-20 [in Ukrainian].

Koval, V.V., Bashynska, M.I., Layko, O.I., Chekhovych Z.V. (2015). Conceptual basis for determining the effectiveness of the investment activity. Zovnishnya torhivlya: ekonomika, finansy, pravo, 5-6 (82-83), 105-115 [in Ukrainian].

Article in the collection

Naumov, O. G. (2015). Determinants of investment climate. Ekonomichni innovatsiyi, 52, 170–177 [in Ukrainian].

An article with a digital object identifier (DOI) (if the article has a DOI, it must be indicated)

Laiko, O. I. (2015) Public-private partnership in providing investment-innovation development. Economic Issues, 59, 176-183. DOI: 10.17110 / nr.2100.2.05 [in Ukrainian].

Electronic resource

Monastyrskyj, H.L. (2009). Management's modernization paradigm of economic development of local communities base line. Strategic priorities, 5(8). Retrieved from: [in Ukrainian] (Last accessed: 18.05.2022).

Materials (theses of reports) of the conference (symposium, convention, seminar)

Volchkov, O. Ye. (2014). Management of economic development of enterprises. Stratehichni priorityty rozvytku derzhavy: materialy Mizhnarodnoyi naukovo-praktychnoyi konferentsiyi (pp. 47-49). - Odessa: Astroprint [in Ukrainian].

Abstract for obtaining the scientific degree of candidate of sciences

Naumov, O. G. (2013). Determinants of investment climate. Extended abstract of the candidate's thesis. Odessa: ONTU [in Ukrainian].

Dissertation for the Doctor of Science degree

Volchkov, O. Ye. (2011). Strategic planning of enterprises. Doctor's thesis. Odessa: ONTU [in Ukrainian].

Legislative and regulatory documents

Law of Ukraine on the principles of state regulatory policy in the field of economic activity No. 1160-IV. (2003, September 11). Vidomosti Verkhovnoyi Rady Ukrayiny, 9, 79 [in Ukrainian].

Commercial Code of Ukraine. (2003, January 16). Vidomosti Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrainy. Kyiv: Parlam. vyd-vo [in Ukrainian].

Pavlenko, N.P. (Eds.). (2017). Statistical Bulletin: 2017. Kyiv: Derzhkomstat Ukrainy [in Ukrainian].


Quality Management Systems. Requirements. (2001). DSTU ISO 9001-2001 from 27th June 2001. Kyiv: Derzhstandart Ukraine [in Ukrainian].

Metadata in English

Petrenko Ivan Vasylovych, post-graduate student of the Department of Economic Policy and Management, Institute of Public Administration, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, 4 Svobody Sq., Kharkiv, 61022, Ukraine


Abstract (English).

Key words: local governance; administrative-territorial unit; local council; full powers; networking.


Please translate the abstract and title of the article into English with the involvement of a professional translator or an English teacher with knowledge of special terminology!

Articles containing annotations, compiled incorrectly and (or) poorly translated, cannot be published!