Foreign experience of state regulation of higher education

Keywords: public administration, state regulation, higher educational establishments, higher education institutions, foreign experience, educational services


The main task of state regulation in the market of education services is to create the necessary conditions for the activities of higher education institutions. Higher education US and UK traditionally refer to the so-called liberal or market model, which is characterized by a high degree of decentralization of management and diversification of higher education systems. For example, in the United States, each state has an organization whose mission is to promote coordination and cooperation between higher education institutions. A distinctive feature of the North American Higher Education System, which operates in the United States, is the large variety of institutions of higher education, which has about 20 million students. The United States government policy is aimed at making elite colleges and universities in the United States the most prestigious in the world. An example of the best-performing American university in the world is the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, which is the most popular and most successful technological hub in the world, with a priority focus on the training of researchers (postgraduates). Thanks to the powerful financial support of the state, the MIT has the best base of fixed assets, the best equipment for research, thanks to which a lot of advanced technologies in the world have been developed in its walls. Similar tendencies are noted in the development of the British system of higher education, but it should be noted and some specific features of the development of high school in Great Britain at the present stage. As the experience of developed countries shows with advanced higher education systems, in particular, the United States, success in the educational sphere can be achieved precisely due to well-considered state regulation, which manifests itself not in the bureaucratic control and thorough regulation of the activity of higher education, namely in the elaboration of the concept and strategic plan of the activity of higher education, as well as creating favorable conditions for the growth of the prestige of the country's higher education.


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Author Biography

Iryna Zastrozhnokova , Taurian State Agrotechnological University, Melitopol

PhD in Public Administration, Associate Professor of Public Administration, Administration and Law Department, Taurian State Agrotechnological University, Melitopol


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How to Cite
Zastrozhnokova , I. (2019). Foreign experience of state regulation of higher education. Theory and Practice of Public Administration, 2(65), 251-255.
Foreign Policy and National Security