Quality management system in the health care as a guarantee of stabilization and development of the sphere

Keywords: quality management system, health care, management, competitiveness.


In a modern system of development of world economic processes, the main factor of the competitiveness of a product or service is quality. In examining the quality management system in the health sector, it should be noted that a well-implemented quality management system promotes the stable development of both a specific medical institution and encourages the development of the entire industry. The article defines the classification of the processes of the clinician’s QMS, including management processes; basic processes; monitoring, measurement, improvement and development processes; auxiliary processes / processes of providing resources. The necessity of analysis and strategic planning of activity of both specific departments and the whole medical institution is emphasized.

Orientation to the patient includes safety, timeliness, rationality and justice. The article defines the classification of the QMS of the clinic, including management processes, main processes, monitoring, measurement, improvement and development processes, supporting processes / resource provision processes.

The need to control the effectiveness of the quality management system, which can be assessed through the target indicators of planning medical care, the planned costs of resource support for medical care, quantitative goals in sociological research processes, the objectives in the field of personnel training, the planned amount of material incentives for staff, the objectives in the field of interaction with partners, target audits, planned indicators of market volume, the number of new methods that are planned to be implemented. The article also emphasizes the need for analysis and strategic planning of the activities of both specific departments and the entire medical institution.


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How to Cite
Pasmor, M. (2017). Quality management system in the health care as a guarantee of stabilization and development of the sphere. Social Economics, 53(1), 92-95. https://doi.org/10.26565/2524-2547-2017-53-13

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