A way out of the deepening global crisis is possible through a fundamental change in the methodology for realizing holistic reality. The traditional mechanics-materialistic science clearly ignores the integrity of the world and man, his spirituality. Trialectics as a true method of comprehending the living integral world and developing in its course a new personal methodology is based on the recognition of the three-pointed personality ‒ the spiritual and bio-social nature of man, the specificity of which as a representative of a special conscious natural kind is determined by humanity, in which the freedom of personal benevolent creativity lies. The three-person nature of a man, his humanity, is reflected in unome as the initial deep-seated code of human life-unfolding — a potential universality-quality of the life process of unfolding a personality that reaches its highest form in every act of a personality when its self-realization acquires the personal quality of freedom-responsibility.
The comprehension of the unom, which includes the genome and the memon, is aimed at setting the purity of the transformations of the economy of human senses-values, which allow exploring the deep spiritual and semantic unity of the separate economic entities. Unomics is a new fateful science of humanity, which aims to explore and substantiate the benevolent format of the life activity of the individual-microcosm act, based on the understanding-deployment of the syncretic dimension of the value-semantic Universe (macrocosm). It requires a spiritually experienced, existential basis for the knowledge of an economic person, which asserts the supremacy of the individual. The format «unomics ‒ globalistics» is revealed. In understanding the unom of the personality, the primary role is played by the problem of studying its existentials, which define the meanings of life ‒ economic production that is productive for humanity. Three main existentials of human existence are: spirituality, freedom and responsibility (V. Frankl). Their comprehension in the new format of trialectics allowed to go deeper into the understanding of the existential «freedom-responsibility». The third existential in the being of a human is love.
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