Strategic Management of Sustainable Development of Cities

  • Sergiy Zelenskiy O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv 17, Marshal Bazhanov Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine
Keywords: City, Sustainable Development, Strategic Management, Process, Stakeholders


The article discusses the conceptual theoretical positions of the strategic management of the sustainable development of the cities of Ukraine, which are associated with the reforms at all levels. The introduction of a strategic approach to managing urban development is based on defining the characteristics of a city as a subject-object system, on existing problems that require urgent solutions, on recognizing the specificity of sustainable development, which consists in balancing the economic, social and environmental aspects of development to meet the diverse interests of today’s stakeholders and does not jeopardize the ability of future generations to meet their needs in terms of quantity and quality on the level is no lower than today. The work defines the essence of the category «management» and shows that the implementation of management (as a function, as a process, as an action) requires art, namely: intuition, experience, non-standard and unexpected decisions, which are based on diverse knowledge and skills. Thus, the issue of the availability of relevant competencies among the most diverse stakeholders (subjects) of the management process is being updated. Particular attention is paid to identifying the features and benefits of using a strategic approach in managing sustainable development of the city, which provides various benefits to all participants in this process and is a means of combining efforts, coordinating interests and positions, coordinating the activities of all stakeholders. Strategic management of sustainable development is considered as a process (i.e., a certain sequence of stages, actions implemented to achieve the goal), which is based on a developed ability to think strategically, use the strategy of cooperation and realize their own responsibility for the decisions made and their results of all stakeholders. The content of the three main stages of strategic management is presented ‒ strategic analysis, strategic choice and implementation of changes. It was noted that the achievement of sustainable development of the city is possible under the condition of conscious, systematic, continuous use of appropriate tools and methods by all stakeholders who act in a coordinated, coordinated, motivated and responsible manner.



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How to Cite
Zelenskiy, S. (2019). Strategic Management of Sustainable Development of Cities. Social Economics, 56, 119-129.