Financial Stability as an Indicator of the Effectiveness of Managing Changes in All Spheres of the National Financial and Economic System

Keywords: Financial Stability, Financial and Economic Systems, Changes, Management, Efficiency


The article is devoted to the consideration of the problem of ensuring and maintaining financial stability as an indicator of the effectiveness of change management in all areas of the national financial and economic system. The study presents approaches to the definition of financial stability, the factors on which it depends, the processes that are affected and characterized by financial stability.

The crisis phenomena of the national financial and economic sphere, which were triggered by the global financial crisis of 2008–2009, are considered and its consequences, factors that have broke financial stability in Ukraine and their effects for the economy. The relevant aspects of maintaining global financial stability and the factors that influence this are highlighted. The current financial and economic state of Ukraine is considered in the light of progressive adaptation and integration changes in all spheres of the national financial and economic system, which ensures financial stability. The importance of effective change management in all areas of the national financial and economic system is outlined to ensure and maintain financial stability.

Based on the results of the study, it was established that modern adequate understanding and acceptance of the problem of ensuring and maintaining financial stability as an indicator of the effectiveness of change management in all areas of the national financial and economic system is impossible without uniting interests and involvement in the processes of positive changes of all subjects financial and economic system – the state, the real sector of the economy, households and financial market. Prospects for further research is to determine the optimal values of indicators in all areas of the national financial and economic system, which provide financial stability, and therefore are the information and analytical basis for the development and implementation of effective solutions at all management levels.


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How to Cite
Portna, O. (2019). Financial Stability as an Indicator of the Effectiveness of Managing Changes in All Spheres of the National Financial and Economic System. Social Economics, 56, 50-55.