Forming of Model of Modernization of Domestic Agricultural Enterprises on the basis of Innovation Providing

Keywords: Investment Attractiveness of Agroindustrial Complex, Innovations, Innovative Attractiveness, Innovation Efficiency, Innovation Provision, Modernization Model, Progressive Innovation, Innovative Consulting, Innovative Venture Business, Agroholding


The article is devoted to the model of modernization of agricultural enterprises on the basis of innovation providing. The level of innovative development of domestic agro-industrial enterprises is analyzed and the main problems that put backthe introduction of innovations in the agro-industrial sector of Ukraine under the current conditions are determined; the introduction of such a model of innovation development, which provided a balance between the modernization of production and the introduction of the results of scientific research, new products and production technologies is proposed; the vector of innovative development in the agricultural sector of Ukraine is investigated and the main trends in the development and implementation of innovations in the activities of enterprises engaged in agricultural production is identified; the model of modernization of domestic agroindustrial enterprises on the basis of innovation provision is developed, which is a set of intellectual (agrarian science), industrial (business environment of agroindustrial complex) and consumer (innovative products, innovative technology, innovation process) areas of innovation activity. The transition between these areas of the model of innovation provisioning is carried out with the help of progressive innovation (it helps ensure the interaction of the business environment of the agro-industrial complex with the scientific environment), innovation consulting (guarantees information and advice on innovative products and facilitates communication with business structures) and innovation-venture business (the main task is to promote the development of developed innovative products), a set of measures that must precede the implementation of the proposed model under the current conditions is defined. The role of the state in the process of innovation in agro-industrial enterprises at all three stages of the implementation of the innovation process, from the origin of the idea to the commercialization of innovation is defined. In particular, the functions assigned to the state are allocated for ensuring efficient financing of innovative activity of the agro-industrial complex.


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How to Cite
Akulenko, K. (2019). Forming of Model of Modernization of Domestic Agricultural Enterprises on the basis of Innovation Providing. Social Economics, 56, 9-17.