Development of the Comlex of Marketing-mix 11P Concept on Enterprises of Hotel and Restaurant Industry

  • Oksana Davydova Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade, 333, Klochkivska Str., Kharkiv, 61051, Ukraine
Keywords: Marketing, Tactics, Strategy, Marketing Mix Concept, Enterprise Development, Competitiveness


The article deals with the formation of the approach to the development of the concept of marketing mix-11P in the hotel and restaurant business enterprises in order to introduce innovative tools in managing the development of enterprises in modern realities. The elements of the marketing-mix concept 4P, 7P, and 9P are considered. The elements of the marketing-mix concept are analyzed, and two other components are proposed which, in the current dynamic conditions, play a big role, namely: P10 – opportunity and P11 – position (market position). The author formed the essential characteristic of the concept of «possibility». It is determined that this opportunity is one of the driving directions for the formation of strategic plans for innovative management of the development of enterprises in the hotel and restaurant industry. In order to assess the position of enterprises of the hotel and restaurant industry in the market, to identify their advantages, opportunities and disadvantages compared with competitors, a method for conducting a comparative assessment of enterprises of the hotel and restaurant industry and major competitors is proposed. For partners, investors, as well as entrepreneurs who would like to invest in the development of the hotel and restaurant business, it is important to know the reliability of its activities in terms of obtaining guaranteed income. Therefore, the assessment of the position of the company on the market will enable the enterprises of the hotel and restaurant industry to innovate and have a tendency to develop. The model of formation of elements of the marketing-mix concept 11Р, which will allow the management of enterprises of hotel and restaurant economy to form tactical and strategic directions of innovative management of enterprise development that will provide an opportunity to satisfy the demand of consumers, expand the markets, to enter new competitive markets, to get additional income.


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How to Cite
Davydova, O. (2018). Development of the Comlex of Marketing-mix 11P Concept on Enterprises of Hotel and Restaurant Industry. Social Economics, 55, 89-96.