Peer Review Process

Basic Rules

  • The Editorial board makes a decision on paper publication after the prepublication peer review procedure.
  • Correspondence of the papers with the scientific specialization of the journal shall be determined by the Editor-in-chief who appoints for each article one (sometimes two or three) reviewer among leading Ukrainian or foreign specialists.
  • The author and reviewer should in no case be affiliated with the same institution! Responsibility for the implementation of this requirement rests with the Editor-in-Chief.
  • In our Journal practiced double-blind review: reviewers are unaware of the identity of the authors, and authors are also unaware of the identity of reviewers. There are at least ten or more reviewers for the total number of articles in each issue. Members of the editorial board can also participate in the process of selecting reviewers in individual cases (at the request of the Editor-in-chief).
  • Duration of review – up to two months.
  • Editor-in-chief never discloses the names of reviewers.
  • Editor-in-chief has the right to add the own comments to the expert remarks.
  • The Editorial board, in some cases, has the right to disagree with the decision of the reviewers, if there is a good reason for this.
  • If the evaluation of the reviewers on some articles diverging, the Editorial board takes a special decision: to accept/reject those articles or to assign new reviewers.
  • Rejected papers may not be considered again. The Editorial board not discussing with authors about the reasons of manuscript rejection.

Review procedure

  1. After receiving the manuscript, the editorial board within two days informs the author about acceptance of his article for consideration.
  2. The Editor-in-chief sends manuscripts to reviewers and receives text reviews from them.
  3. The Editor-in-chief makes a list of reviewers’ remarks and sends it to the author.
  4. The revised paper shall be submitted for consideration of the previous experts. Reconsideration of the paper lasts up to two months.
  5. If the conclusions of the reviewers are positive, this is one of the key reasons to accept the paper for publication.
  6. If the paper is rejected, the editorial office informs the author by e-mail about the reasons for the refusal.