Psychotherapy of "emotional coldness" syndrome in a person-centered approach

  • Nadiia Tereshchenko V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University


The paper deals with syndrome of "emotional coldness" which hinders the establishment of relations of psychological intimacy in interpersonal relationships. An analysis syndrome "emotional coldness" in the context of person-centered approach. We describe the main factors helping to conduct  in person-centered psychotherapy, that overcome such features syndrome "emotional coldness" as distrust of their own feelings, networking relations for a particular scenario, fear of psychological proximity, etc. There are cases of psychological practice

Key words: syndrome "emotional coldness", psychotherapy, person-centered approach, empathy, congruent.




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Як цитувати
Tereshchenko, N. (1). Psychotherapy of "emotional coldness" syndrome in a person-centered approach. Психологічне консультування і психотерапія, (1-2), 140-144.