Psychological Counseling and Psychotherapy 2025-02-11T11:41:38+00:00 Olexander Kocharyan Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Professional publication in the psychological sciences</strong></p> <p>The journal presents a variety of psychotherapeutic approaches, modalities, and techniques related to the psychological and medical space of modern psychotherapeutic and counseling assistance. Theoretical and practical issues related to various aspects of psychotherapeutic intervention for various disorders, their gender aspects, psychodiagnostic methods, the interaction of psychotherapy and culture, etc. are considered. For psychotherapists, consultants, practical psychologists, and anyone interested in providing psychotherapeutic assistance.</p> <p><strong>Media identifier in the Register of the Field of Media Entities: R30-04464 (Decision № 1538 dated May 9, 2024 of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine, Protocol № 15)</strong></p> <p>The concept of the journal is to consider topical theoretical and practical problems of modern psychotherapy in its medical (clinical) and psychological dimensions, in organizing an interdisciplinary dialogue, in identifying resources for the growth of psychotherapy itself, in legitimation. psychotherapy and psychological counseling in a professional academic environment.<br>The journal analyzes the problems of psychotherapy, psychological counseling, medical psychology, gender psychology and sexology.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Consultative Paradigms and Methods of Modern Psychological Practice in Ukraine 2025-02-04T23:24:48+00:00 Aleksandr Bondarenko Anastasia Radetska <p>The article presents the results of a study of the latest trends characteristic of modern processes of providing psychological care in Ukraine, both in terms of paradigms and methods preferred by Ukrainian psychologists. This was facilitated by the study of specialized groups on the Facebook platform, such as "Psychologists of Ukraine", "Psychologists and Psychotherapists", "Clinical Psychologists and Psychotherapists of Ukraine", "Psychology. Ukraine / Event Calendar", other professional communities that unite specialists in psychological care, as well as specialized popular sites such as: "Rozmova" (, "Hedepy" (, "Mysense" (, and "Pleso" (, which present over 1,000 counseling offers in various approaches and methods. The study goes beyond simple statistical analysis, offering a deeper understanding of the evolution of psychological practice in the complex socio-political conditions of modern Ukraine, revealing a complex picture of professional adaptation and transformation of psychological care. The study reveals a unique picture of the professional evolution of Ukrainian psychologists. 25% consciously change their professional trajectory, choosing psychology as a vocation. The predominance of specialists with one to five years of experience indicates an active young generation of psychologists. The increasing use of the online format (65%) is not just a technological innovation, but an existentially important format of consultative communication in conditions when it is necessary to ensure the accessibility of psychological care.Martial law and hostilities increased the volume of crisis assistance by 40%, 30% of psychologists joined volunteer activities. Along with this, new challenges and barriers appeared. This is the high cost of training and certification, which 65% of respondents complained about. High level of professional stress (50% of respondents). Policy in the field of higher education, which prioritizes the financing of higher education institutions at the expense of the impoverished population, and not professional criteria and requirements for the selection of future specialists of such a variety of helping professions as practical psychologists.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Bondarenko A.F., Radetska A.B. Points of growth of the clinical centered psychotherapy 2025-02-10T19:10:40+00:00 Aleksander Kocharyan Nataliia Barinova Sergii Barinov <p>The article is devoted to the analysis of client-centered psychotherapy (CCT), namely the key points of its growth. M. Cooper identified different variants of CCT through the metaphor of “flow” or “current”. In the CCT field, four streams meet, merge and dissociate again: ) non-directiveness of the psychotherapist, the client's expertise, and its actualization; 2) helping relationship, necessary and sufficient conditions for client change in psychotherapy, the psychotherapist's intervention has the status of a relationship rather than a technique; 3)&nbsp;experientiality / emotionality, based on Rogers' model of stress - detachment of self from its own experiences, alienation from the natural flow; 4) commitment to social justice, equality and caring interaction with others. The author notes that there may be other streams, which, flowing into the river of CCT, may become dominant there, or may occupy a rather modest place. Streams may also differ in terms of the time of their existence. It is clear that each stream has different theoretical and methodological justifications, and the question of what stream is relevant today, or in other words, what points of growth of SST determine the further development of this psychotherapeutic modality, is extremely relevant. Reflections on the theoretical development of FTAs can be based on two strategies: 1) expanding the conceptual structure of FTAs by drawing on resources external to FTAs; 2) expanding FTAs by drawing on resources internal to FTAs. In the second case, it is not a question of supplementing the FTA, but of its theoretical expansion, related to the reflection of its own theoretical foundations. According to C.S. Hall and G. Lindsey, C. Rogers was an “organismic theorist”, trusting in the rosiness of the naturalness, the naturalness of the therapeutic process. P. Ogden and J. Fisher point to the ongoing shift in the psychotherapeutic paradigm, away from “verbal, linguistic and explicit” towards “nonverbal, bodily and implicit processes”. This paradigm shift is determined by issues of psychotherapy effectiveness. In C. Rogers' description of the process in On Becoming a Person: A Therapists View of Psychotherapy (Boston, 1961), we find the combination of the words “sensory and visceral” six times, and the word “body” twice. The idea of wholeness is embedded in the text, where the body cannot be forgotten. This type of CCT is “bottom up.” CCT has the potential to work with deep brain formations and viscerosensory experiences. In CCT there are two types of healing processes: a causal process from the outside (relationship quality) and a supportive process from within. The second process is revealed through the theoretical extension of the “emotional balancing mechanism”, which is implicitly presented in C. Rogers' approach, and the description of emotional “blockages” formations. Each time gives birth to those theoretical movements that reflect it. In my opinion, today it is neuropsychotherapy and psychotherapeutic technology, as well as an interest in the body. Thus, the beacons of further development of client-centered therapy are the triad: “brain-body-therapeutic techniques”.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Aleksander Kocharyan, Nataliia Barinova, Sergii Barinov Psychological Characteristics of Personality of Psychotherapists Working in Different Therapeutic Modalities 2025-02-10T19:10:16+00:00 Andriy Kharchenko Kateryna Lymych <p><em>Statement of the problem.</em> Psychotherapy plays a key role in the mental health care system. However, the personal characteristics of psychotherapists of various modalities have not been sufficiently studied, which makes it difficult to understand the influence of these characteristics on the effectiveness of therapeutic work. In cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) an analytical approach is important, while person-centered therapy (PCT) requires empathy and openness.&nbsp;<em>Analysis of the problem</em> Scientific literature emphasizes the importance of such personal characteristics of psychotherapists as thinking style, emotional intelligence, empathy, reflection and interpersonal relationships. Representatives of different therapeutic approaches show significant differences in these parameters.&nbsp;<em>The purpose of the study</em> is to reveal the psychological characteristics of the personalities of psychotherapists who work in CBT and PCT modalities. <em>Research methods</em> - the method of determining the thinking style (A. Harrison, R. Bramson), the test of emotional intelligence and empathy (N. Hall), the 16-factor personality questionnaire (R. Kettel), the method of interpersonal relations (T. Leary). The Mann-Whitney U-test and exploratory factor analysis with Varimax rotation were used for mathematical and statistical data processing. <em>Description of the sample</em> The sample consisted of 55 psychotherapists (26 representatives of CBT, 29 - PCT), aged from 25 to 45 years, with work experience of at least 3 years. <em>Conclusions</em> In the study of psychological characteristics of psychotherapists working in cognitive-behavioral (CBT) and client-centered therapy (PCT), a number of significant differences were revealed. CBT psychotherapists demonstrate a predominantly analytical style of thinking, organization and a tendency towards a directive style of interaction. Instead, PCT therapists are characterized by higher levels of emotional openness, empathy, and cooperativeness in relationships. Factor analysis made it possible to create structures of key personal characteristics corresponding to the specifics of each therapeutic modality. A close connection between emotional intelligence and reflective abilities was noted for representatives of PCT, while for CBT therapists the connection between analytical abilities and the ability for professional reflection dominates.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Andrii Kharchenko, Kateryna Lymych Structural and Functional Characteristics of the Sense of Correctness in the Structure of Personality 2025-02-04T23:10:52+00:00 Yuliia Bogachenko <p>The article explores the concepts of the sense of rightness and inner compass as critically important elements of personality structure. Based on the theories of prominent psychologists such as Carl Rogers, Abraham Maslow, Viktor Frankl, and George Kelly, as well as Ukrainian authors including Tetiana Bondarenko, Olena Hromova, Anatolii Kochehryhin, Liudmyla Petranovska, and Sonia Lyubomyrska, the article analyzes the functional and structural features of the sense of rightness. The sense of rightness is defined as a combination of moral values and beliefs that shape personality and influence behavior. It is emphasized that the inner compass is the foundation of self-awareness, helping individuals navigate complex ethical and moral dilemmas. Social environment, cultural traditions, and family upbringing play an important role in the formation of this compass, contributing to the development of moral values. The article examines the dynamic nature of the sense of rightness, which may change depending on new experiences and social context. The results of the study indicate the importance of awareness of one's values for achieving psychological well-being and social adaptation. The conclusions may serve as a basis for further research in the fields of psychology, education, and social development, as well as for practical recommendations in working with individuals.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Yuliia Bogachenko Analysis of Family Interaction Depending on the Age of Marriage Partners 2025-02-11T11:41:38+00:00 Myroslava Mushkevych Tamara Duchyminska Valentyn Mushkevych <p><strong>F</strong><strong>ormulation of the </strong><strong>P</strong><strong>roblem</strong><strong>.</strong> In this article the focus is made on the parental subsystem of the family system, where the marriage subsystem is represented by age indicators, and the sibling subsystem is considered through the prism of marriage partners as parents (adult members of the family system). The phenomenon of parenthood is presented as a correspondence to the family system, according to which the parental subsystem includes: 1)&nbsp;parents as marriage partners - husband and wife; 2)&nbsp;parents as a team; 3)&nbsp;parents as separate individuals - mom and dad - with their parental attitudes, attitudes, relationships with children, etc. Taking into account such a view, parenthood is interpreted as a historically specific system of relationships between spouses, as well as parents and children, and is a subsystem whithin the family system as a relatively independent entity. <em>Problem Analysis. </em>The empirical part presented a comparison of the average values of personal and interpersonal factors of family members in relation to their age differences: the 1st age category consisted of subjects aged 20–30 years old; in the 2nd – 31–40 years old; in the 3rd – 41–50 years; in the 4th – 51–60 years old. <em>Conclusions.</em> Trends important for our research were revealed: representatives of the 1st category are characterized by a high degree of closedness, isolation, fixation of interests on the phenomena of their inner world, increased fatigue, irritability, tendency to hypochondria, emotional coldness, etc. Representatives of the 2nd (31-40 years old) and 3rd categories of parents (41-50 years old) demonstrate a lower expressed level of parental protection during the upbringing of a child. They are characterized by an authoritarian parenting style, a strict attitude towards the child, participation in the child's upbringing occurs only when needed or necessary, quite often there is not enough time, energy and attention to the child. Subjects of the 4th category (50-60 years old) have a higher risk of hypochondriacal instructions regarding the child. The "weak point" of such family members is increased insecurity, fear of making a mistake, exaggerated ideas about the child's illness.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Мушкевич М., Дучимінська Т., Мушкевич В. Vaginismus and Dyspareunia. A Case Report From Clinical Practice 2025-02-04T23:22:12+00:00 Garnik Kocharyan <p>The article deals with the following clinical case. Female patient Z., 27 years old, not married, currently has no sexual partner. For 2 years she has had muscle contractions that prevent the penis from entering the vagina, accompanied by contractions of the thigh muscles. There is also pain when trying to penetrate the penis into the vagina. These phenomena are connected with a fear of their occurrence during sexual intercourse. The examination allowed us to assume that in this case we are talking about psychogenic vaginismus and psychogenic dyspareunia (in ICD-10 codes F52.5 and F52.6 – vaginismus and dyspareunia of non-organic origin). In ICD-11, this disorder is represented by the code HA20 (Sexual pain-penetration disorder). This diagnosis is common to these pathologies.&nbsp;The following correction was carried out: (1) measures to help the female patient understand her problem and its origin; (2) cognitive techniques to mitigate the perception of one’s disorder, in particular, the “matching by contrast” technique proposed by us; (3) hypnosuggestive therapy (programming and modeling) [13 sessions]; (4) the “swing” technique modified by us from the arsenal of neurolinguistic programming [one session conducted]; (5) sex therapy (sexual behavioral training) – insertion of vibrators into the vagina with increasing depth of immersion; (6) pharmacotherapy: tranquilizer gidazepam and muscle relaxant sirdalud 1-1.5 hours before attempting sexual intercourse or inserting a vibrator.&nbsp;The given therapy led to the complete elimination of vaginismus, which made it possible to perform vaginal sexual intercourse, and a significant reduction in the severity of dyspareunia. The female patient notes that the pain during insertion of the penis into the vagina has significantly decreased. There is no discomfort during friction. She can also now have sex in different positions. Previously, this was impossible because the penetration of the penis into the vagina was accompanied by greater pain in some of them. In addition, she notes that now it takes much less time to insert the penis into the vagina (but not because of the absence of muscle spasm, which she has already gotten rid of), but because of the reduced fear of pain during penetration.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Garnik Kocharyan