Author Guidelines

"Psychological counseling and psychotherapy"
In accordance with the resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Administrative Court of Ukraine No. 7-05/1 dated January 15, 2003. "On raising the requirements to
professional publications. Included in the lists of the Central Committee of Ukraine," when preparing articles for a professional collection should be followed
comply with the following requirements:
• statement of the problem in a general form and its connection with important scientific and practical tasks;
• analysis of the latest research and publications in which the solution to this problem was initiated, which is based on it
• selection of previously unresolved parts of the general problem to which the specified article is devoted;
• forming the goals of the article (setting the task);
• presentation of the primary research material with full justification of the obtained scientific results;
• conclusions from this study and prospects for further research in this direction;
• a list of sources used in transliteration (the literature is drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the DAC MON of Ukraine
Paper and electronic versions of the article are submitted to the editors. The length of the article is 8–12 pages.
The electronic version is submitted to the editorial office in *.doc format, which must be sent to the following address:
Font Times New Roman, 10 point, 1 space.
Margins: from above - 2.5 cm; from below - 2 cm; on the left - 2 cm; on the right - 2 cm. Paper - A4. Times New Roman font,
11 pins, after 1.2 intervals. The colors in the images must be different when printed in black and white. All of them
pictures must be in jpg format.
Before the article, the following are submitted: ORCID of all authors of the article, UDC, title of the article, surname and initials - in Ukrainian
and English languages; annotations and keywords - in Russian, Ukrainian, and English. Presentation
the material in the abstract should be concise and accurate (from 1800 characters or more). Should be used
syntactic constructions inherent in the language of business documents avoid complex grammatical expressions,
it is necessary to use standardized terminology avoid little-known terms and symbols.
It is forbidden to use computer programs for translation. The bibliography is provided in two
DSTU and APA (American Psychological Association) standards:
For names using Cyrillic characters, the following rules apply: authors' surnames are given
in Latin, the title of the article (book, report, etc.) is in the original language, and the translation is provided in square brackets
in English. The name of the publishing house is given in transliteration (if there is no English version of the name),
the name of the city of the publishing house - completely without abbreviations. At the end, the language is indicated in round brackets
For example:
1. Yung, K.G. (1991). Archetypes and Symbols. Moscow: Renaissance. (in Russian)
2. Bondarenko, A.F. (2014). Ethical personalism. Methodical manual on psychology
consulting, compatible with Russian culture. [Ethical personalism. Methodological manual on
psychological counseling, in accordance with Russian culture]. Kyiv: Alfa Reclama. (in Russian)
3. Bulan, A.A. (2015). Psychoemotional states of combatants in combat [Psychoemotional states of
combatants in combat situations], Aktualni problemi sotsiologiyi, psihologiyi, pedagogiki, 4(29), 9-12. (in Ukrainian)