Diagnostic Complex Of Psychological Support Of Families With Problem Children

Keywords: psychodiagnostics, family, nuclear family, family system, marriage subsystem, parental subsystem, problem child, psychological support


The article presents a diagnostic complex of psychological support for families with problem children, the main purpose of which is to study and understand the essence of the family problem, its carriers and the potential for solving the dysfunctions. The diagnostic stage captures the signals of the problem situation with the subsequent construction of the appropriate logic for the further diagnostic study. Trusting contact is established with all participants in the problem situation, assistance is provided in verbalizing the problem, joint assessment of the possibility of its resolution. The final part of this stage is a clear definition of the problem. Comprehensive psychodiagnostics consists of the initial diagnosis to study the strengths and weaknesses of family members, identify and solve problems that arise during family interaction, conducting the diagnostic minimums in order to analyze the dynamics of functioning and overcome possible difficulties. Further work provides in-depth psychological diagnosis of members of the nuclear family system.



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How to Cite
Mushkevych, M. (2021). Diagnostic Complex Of Psychological Support Of Families With Problem Children. Psychological Counseling and Psychotherapy, (15), 24-31. https://doi.org/10.26565/2410-1249-2021-15-02