• Світлана Миколаївна Вишинська Southern Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after KD Ushinskogo, Odessa.
Keywords: psychological well-being, emotional maturity, personality of the student, experience, motivation for achievements, social interest


The article notes that the modern achievements of humanity in the organization of social relations and achievements in the scientifi and technical sphere give the personality and new opportunities, and contribute to the emergence of new signifiant complications on the path to achieving psychological well-being. Emotional maturity is considered as a component of the psychological well-being of the student’s personality.
It is emphasized that the achievement of psychological well-being by the student is possible provided the coordinated and balanced development of his emotional maturity and professional experience. The aim of the study was to establish the features of the controversial connection of the development of emotional maturity with the psychological well-being of the student’s personality. In the empirical study, 61 female and male students were admitted to the juvenile age (median age 19, minimum age 18, maximum 21 years). The research used the following methods: “Diagnosis of emotional maturity of the person” O.Ya. Chebikina; «Scale of subjective well-being»; “Diagnostics of the motivation of achievement” A.Mehrabian; “Scale of Social Interest” by A. Adler. For statistic processing of empirical data, the H Crackel-Wallis criterion and Spearman rank correlation were applied. It was found that in the studied (students) in general, the average level of emotional maturity is signifiantly higher. It was established that the motivation of achievements and social interest in the subjects directly related to the development of emotional maturity, but not related to psychological well-being. Statistical analysis of data also showed that the components of self-regulation, and self-regulation, are exclusively inversely related to the components of the structure of psychological wellbeing, and with the welfare itself. The results of the empirical research show that the inconsistency of the development of emotional maturity with other components of psychological well-being (constant professional and life experience) leads to the emergence and exacerbation of the student’s internal contradictions, to reduce the satisfaction of life.


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How to Cite
Вишинська, С. М. (2019). ANTICIPATHY OF PSYCHOLOGICAL WELL-BEING OF EMOTIONALLY MATURE STUDENT PERSONALITY. Visnyk of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series Psychology, (65), 8-14. Retrieved from