• Володимир Володимирович Рєпкін International Association for Developmental Education
  • Наталля Володимирівна Рєпкіна Department of Psychology, Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University, 92703, Lugansk region, Starobelsk, pl. Gogol, 1
Keywords: goal of developing education; educational activities; subject of the learning; education content


The article outlines representations of nodal components of theoretical model of developing education
(further – DE) which were put in the basics of its variant developed by Kharkov research group and implemented in the form of programs and DE textbooks of language 1-9 grades and mathematics in primary school.
Source component of this model is the representation of DE specifi function which is to transmit historical experience of constructive creative rather than reproductive and performing, object-transformative activity and student preparation to participate in it. The implementation of this function is possible only providing that goals and methods of creative activity are not transmitted but are re-created and designed in the process of studying by students themselves with the help of a teacher.
Within the framework of such constructive-recreating learning activity a student is in a position of its
subject that has to set the goals and fid the means of achieving them. Due to this a student acquires and develops an ability to reasonable self-organization of his actions which is a necessary condition of involving an individual into creative activity. The main goal of DE is to develop students fist as subjects of simplest objecttransformative actions, regulated by cultural norms, and then as subjects of self-transformation.
Specifiity of tasks conduces the characteristics of education content. The main contents in the fist stage are general methods of action allowing a student to solve independently the whole class of homogeneous practical problems; in the second stage – various holistic functional natural and social systems and theoretical notions explaining their essence, developing the understanding the meaning of different aspects of activity, which is the background of creativity.
These components in conjunction with characteristics of learning activity and interactions of DE participants determine it as holistic educational system subordinated to the goal of student developing as a subject of unproductive transformative activity and then as a creative personality.



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How to Cite
Рєпкін, В. В., & Рєпкіна, Н. В. (2018). TO A QUESTION ОF DEVELOPING EDUCATION THEORY (PART 1). Visnyk of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series Psychology, (64), 75-79. Retrieved from